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  1. Rummy Comes Clean Too (18 replies)
  2. McClellan Comes Clean (46 replies)
  3. I Find It Extreme Funny (not humor) (19 replies)
  4. Hopefully, they do it over Christmas, too... (8 replies)
  5. FAUX News Porn (2 replies)
  6. With Friends Like These.... (12 replies)
  7. Kill the cable, kill the cable... (6 replies)
  8. Visit the Devil's Creationist Museum (34 replies)
  9. To all of the xenophobes here..... (18 replies)
  10. Fukk the Canadian French (4 replies)
  11. Religious Scholars Debate FSM (2 replies)
  12. Looks like Gonzo has Caught a Huge Dose of Yoni-ism (1 replies)
  13. Wounded warriors face home-front battle with VA (9 replies)
  14. The DEMO Debate..and Polls...Polls....Polls (23 replies)
  15. Where housing is headed (13 replies)
  16. Daily Kos Meets Karl Rove (6 replies)
  17. You Know Something (12 replies)
  18. Hey! (27 replies)
  19. Wasted US dead, wasted Iraqi dead, but don't forget about these (14 replies)
  20. Giuliani-Kerik Angle in Suit by Ex-Publisher (1 replies)
  21. Bush strategist looks back in sadness (98 replies)
  22. ANWAR - The Republican Universal OUT for High Gas Prices (42 replies)
  23. War sucks, but this younger generation doesn't really give a shit. (2 replies)
  24. "Healthcare" (1 replies)
  25. I'm too lazy to find the thread but,... (19 replies)
  26. Hillary crumbling? (111 replies)
  27. Some background for the Repug Iraq/Iran oil grab (0 replies)
  28. General Backs Hillary Clinton & other Bush Accomplishments (0 replies)
  29. Ooops! Iraq Nutters losing the media... (21 replies)
  30. Guess that Party... (11 replies)
  31. Quote of the Week! (0 replies)
  32. I can just imagine the stream of... (7 replies)
  33. Spurs Talk Vets... (19 replies)
  34. Supreme Court could take guns case (80 replies)
  35. Decision to attack Iran made, dickhead cherry picking/hyping intel (10 replies)
  36. If Obama wasn't black.... (44 replies)
  37. Intel Official: Say Goodbye to Privacy (2 replies)
  38. I Love This (0 replies)
  39. Privacy re-visited (0 replies)
  40. The Uninvited Guest (3 replies)
  41. Edwards Wins 10,000 Iowa Pledges (11 replies)
  42. What is it with domocrat candidates? (3 replies)
  43. Billary wagging the dog (9 replies)
  44. Iraqi Government to UN: 'Don't Extend Mandate for Bush's Occupation' (12 replies)
  45. Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy advisors are insane (7 replies)
  46. You just gotta love Karl Rove... (51 replies)
  47. Who'da thunk it? (25 replies)
  48. Gangsta G (45 replies)
  49. We Found Em! (1 replies)
  50. Well, This Sums Up The Reagan Years... (0 replies)
  51. Darth Cheney Up To Same old Shit (20 replies)
  52. Should I put Oh Gee on IGNORE? (43 replies)
  53. Presidential Qualifications (57 replies)
  54. Photograph of the year but,... (21 replies)
  55. Giving Back and Welfare (32 replies)
  56. Demos in D.C., taking care of the important things (16 replies)
  57. 'We're Winning The War' Spin In High Mode (78 replies)
  58. The Facts On Healthcare (1 replies)
  59. Speaking of immigration... (0 replies)
  60. Sarkozy, R-France? (15 replies)
  61. The Dow and U.S. dollar both plummet (14 replies)
  62. Clinton the Front-runner (15 replies)
  63. Rapture Rescue 911 (4 replies)
  64. God has spoken (16 replies)
  65. Pit bull kills 11-year-old Killeen boy (22 replies)
  66. When Will Politicans Learn? (3 replies)
  67. Report: Abstinence not curbing teen sex (13 replies)
  68. WW2 Exposed (0 replies)
  69. 'The Resiliency of the Stock Market' Is Showing... (1 replies)
  70. Unholy Alliance (2 replies)
  71. U.S. draft may be unavoidable (22 replies)
  72. Americans love dubya more than they loved that other wonderful Repug, Nixon (0 replies)
  73. Republicans = Harlem Globetrotters (29 replies)
  74. Some of you can now join! (15 replies)
  75. Rosie on MSNBC (17 replies)
  76. House to Vote on Cheney Impeachment (4 replies)
  77. 2007 is deadliest year for US in Iraq (52 replies)
  78. How will you react if Hillary Clinton wins? (95 replies)
  79. Harry Reid discovers a terrible truth... (14 replies)
  80. If you like Ron Paul, donate today (Mon. Nov. 5th) (33 replies)
  81. one reason why a woman will never be President! (18 replies)
  82. Cheney Makes The Call... (1 replies)
  83. Who's Paying For Iraq? Your Kids....200k/Minute (18 replies)
  84. Musharraf declares emergency in Pakistan (23 replies)
  85. Ron Paul Reality Check (72 replies)
  86. "Curveball" lied, people died. (65 replies)
  87. Why should Mukasey call it torture when... (68 replies)
  88. The Politics of Parsing (6 replies)
  89. Cherry-picking The News (13 replies)
  90. Dry Towns Could Lead to Massive Relocations (27 replies)
  91. With allies like these... Israel wants aid in Euros (11 replies)
  92. Sgt. Corrales and me. (8 replies)
  93. Bush-o-nomics (61 replies)
  94. Here's a shocker! (4 replies)
  95. Speaker Pelosi: "I don't approve of Congress and... (2 replies)
  96. This just in: David Rockefeller is America's King Maker (4 replies)
  97. UN seeks control, taxing authority over 70% of the Earth (8 replies)
  98. Diplomacy's not for amateurs (10 replies)
  99. State GOP lawmaker in gay sex scandal (25 replies)
  100. Questions about IRAN. (82 replies)
  101. WAAAH! Russert Was a Big Meanie! (9 replies)
  102. Envoys Resist Forced Iraq Duty (16 replies)
  103. "Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran." (24 replies)
  104. Almost 40 Years Late (3 replies)
  105. Westboro Baptist Church Smacked Upside The Head (12 replies)
  106. In dredging up bush's dishonor (5 replies)
  107. Vestigial Limbaugh gland? LOL (11 replies)
  108. I should pay more tax,... (27 replies)
  109. In dredging up Kerry's dishonor... (12 replies)
  110. Oh My! Is Billary Another Kerry (58 replies)
  111. The Gang of Eight (0 replies)
  112. Low Morale Has U.S. Troops in Iraq Pretending to Patrol (3 replies)
  113. dubya politicized, pro-business CSPC "in action" (0 replies)
  114. SCHIP again (26 replies)
  115. When all else fails... (1 replies)
  116. Learn'd Behavior.... (0 replies)
  117. Oil settles at $93.53 ... (39 replies)
  118. Blackwater Bodyguards Were Given Immunity (8 replies)
  119. So, if the global warm...er, I mean, global... (10 replies)
  120. The Mother of All Tax Hikes! (36 replies)
  121. Some historical perspective and comparison on how bad dubya/dickhead are (2 replies)
  122. Kirchner's Wife elected President... (12 replies)
  123. some satire from The 1/2 Hour News Hour (0 replies)
  124. American kids, dumber than dirt (31 replies)
  125. Just In Time for Halloween (4 replies)
  126. Opps They Did It Again.... (4 replies)
  127. Oh Damn, Ron Paul.... (21 replies)
  128. Flynts Got The Goods On Another GOP Senator (46 replies)
  129. First the Marines want out of Iraq, and now Condi's crew doesn't want to go in (2 replies)
  130. Those Looney French (2 replies)
  131. The Iraq War, WMDs, Pakistan, etc. (30 replies)
  132. Rumseld served with criminal complaint for torture (1 replies)
  133. FEMA's faked news conference (9 replies)
  134. Spinoff: First Lady dons Hijab (10 replies)
  135. The Sky Is Falling (Again) (1 replies)
  136. I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! (2 replies)
  137. Strange Bedfellows (5 replies)
  138. And, for all you defeatists... (20 replies)
  139. Yikes! Another Military Commander... (9 replies)
  140. See what candidate most favors your stupid views (7 replies)
  141. Student hounds prof running for Congress (8 replies)
  142. Tax Cut For The Corps! (4 replies)
  143. right wing nuts: your dubya, your wars, get out your checkbooks (0 replies)
  144. Mike Huckabee (179 replies)
  145. Clinton Triangulates the Anti-War Crowd (0 replies)
  146. Code Pink Confronts Condi (10 replies)
  147. Seven things about... (14 replies)
  148. Hussain Obama... (148 replies)
  149. Hush Limbaughisms (54 replies)
  150. White House 'eviscerated' climate testimony (1 replies)
  151. All The Makings Of a Really Wide Frat Party! (15 replies)
  152. Reefer Madness... (8 replies)
  153. Well, At least He's Got the ET Vote Locked up.... (1 replies)
  154. Qualcomm vs. The Superdome (190 replies)
  155. Stephen Colbert for President? (5 replies)
  156. Happy Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week! (108 replies)
  157. Those Damn South American Leftist! (17 replies)
  158. No Money for Our Kids, But More Money for War (25 replies)
  159. "Global Warming" or not? Doesn't matter. (505 replies)
  160. Revisiting an old article: Bush worst president ever? (41 replies)
  161. I'm curious (1 replies)
  162. Media Bias (29 replies)
  163. Cheney on Iran (46 replies)
  164. The resolution debate is fading (0 replies)
  165. 9/11 Truthers Infiltrate Bill Maher Audience (116 replies)
  166. Meanwhile, back at the Looney Bin... (46 replies)
  167. A New Up and Coming Religion (7 replies)
  168. Again with Chinese money & the Clintons? WTF? (7 replies)
  169. Tshotiwwittwhdwytk (13 replies)
  170. Dazed & Confused Republicans (45 replies)
  171. Chauvanism (5 replies)
  172. Sorry Ron Paul, but this guy has my vote for 2008 (11 replies)
  173. How sad it must be fore people who actually voted for Bush! (144 replies)
  174. Study: Early humans threw clambakes (6 replies)
  175. So, exactly what... (97 replies)
  176. Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes nuclear (19 replies)
  177. It's a Miracle I tell's ya.... (2 replies)
  178. Looks Like the Facts Are On Gore's Side (again) (3 replies)
  179. It's Getting Harder for Paulson to Spin Housing Collapse (3 replies)
  180. No Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms... (19 replies)
  181. it's starting to heat up now (17 replies)
  182. This guy is D-E-A-D (3 replies)
  183. Yeah, But You Can't Do It, Just Because We Do! (2 replies)
  184. QUIZ, Who said this? (3 replies)
  185. It's All The Right Wing Nutcase Fault (17 replies)
  186. Today the first baby boomer (0 replies)
  187. Cobra Kai (47 replies)
  188. All of The Sudden 'Oral' Roberts Makes Sense (0 replies)
  189. With Ann Coulter, the Problem is the Message, Not the Messenger (16 replies)
  190. 9/11 WTC Demolition worker to confess! (354 replies)
  191. Rush Auctions letter from Reid (171 replies)
  192. Al Qaeda Dealt Devastating Blow in Iraq (1 replies)
  193. Moron: More jobs, higher pay in years after NAFTA (4 replies)
  194. Al-Qaeda In Iraq Reported Crippled (2 replies)
  195. Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV (9 replies)
  196. Political Quiz (52 replies)
  197. Quiz, Who said the following: (44 replies)
  198. Dan Rather Vowed To Leak Bush Guard Docs (4 replies)
  199. More illegal votes for Clinton (4 replies)
  200. Nachio Claims Violaton of FISA Started Immediately After dubya/dickhead Took Office (5 replies)
  201. "EDWARDS GETS IOWA LABOR NOD" (18 replies)
  202. Current Primary Maps (5 replies)
  203. US-Russia missile defense talks fail (13 replies)
  204. Perfect Christmas Gift? (2 replies)
  205. It's the Oil (22 replies)
  206. Repub Debates (1 replies)
  207. Now that my kin d of (ex) soldier (58 replies)
  208. Boy's arsenal, arrest a chilling reminder (19 replies)
  209. WHO: Legal or Not, Abortion Rates Compare (6 replies)
  210. No Suprise: dubya's tax cuts, HUGE for the RICHEST, nothing for the bottom half (14 replies)
  211. The Difference Between Edwards and Clinton (2 replies)
  212. The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost (27 replies)
  213. Worth $4 Million -- and Unable to Retire (22 replies)
  214. Are You All Ready For This (6 replies)
  215. An Inconvenient Judgement (18 replies)
  216. Dick Cheney Disagreed With President Bush Over Donald Rumsfeld Dismissal (3 replies)
  217. The Revolutionary War (45 replies)
  218. Contractors Unlimited (1 replies)
  219. Million Ideas (9 replies)
  220. Congress to approve continued wiretapping (10 replies)
  221. Speaking of Vinciente FoX... (4 replies)
  222. DraftGore Demos Won't Take No For An Answer (24 replies)
  223. Coulter and the Democrat (15 replies)
  224. Oh-Boy, Who would have thunk it. (1 replies)
  225. Is Hillary Electable? (55 replies)
  226. Economy Not So Out of the Woods Yet (3 replies)
  227. Demos Calling Out Hitlary, But Will The M$M Listen? (5 replies)
  228. Heads Must Roll Over Barksdale Nuke Incident (12 replies)
  229. Bush Administration squanders intelligence source for a little War-On-Terror PR (4 replies)
  230. Next RIAA Outrage (6 replies)
  231. An interesting read... (4 replies)
  232. Possible bad news RE: Turkey and Iraq (174 replies)
  233. One more reason to vote against Hillary (5 replies)
  234. Dick Nixon talks about Fred Thompson (3 replies)
  235. GOP Debate Tonight (41 replies)
  236. WWII interrogators speak out against "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) (113 replies)
  237. Remember Iraq? Still totally fncked. (1 replies)
  238. Krugman: Same Old Party (23 replies)
  239. Xenoopobes, Chauvinists, red-necks, don't read! (30 replies)
  240. The Free Market (health) Working Its Magic (for corps, abetted by Repugs) (0 replies)
  241. More Doctors in Texas After Malpractice Caps (0 replies)
  242. Ron Paul fans in San Antonio (3 replies)
  243. Bad day for the GOP.... (13 replies)
  244. Congress Explained! (0 replies)
  245. If Democrats Had Any Brains (54 replies)
  246. Tough Day for Mitt....... (32 replies)
  247. Army Orders for 729 days (because 730 days costs dubya tax-cut money). (19 replies)
  248. Here's what happens when Xray writes your speech (8 replies)
  249. Putin files for divorce (1 replies)
  250. Anger Rises Over Rumors Of School Nixing Halloween (9 replies)