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  1. red states suck, blue states don't (54 replies)
  2. El Universal: DEA allowed the Sinaloa drug cartel to smuggle billions... (11 replies)
  3. Silicon Valley billionaire compares treatment of America's rich to Nazi persecution o (27 replies)
  4. Michelle Bachmann: stop listening to scientists (6 replies)
  5. SOTU (34 replies)
  6. Ayn Rand Paul Smearing Hillary with "Bill is sexual predator" (5 replies)
  7. lol Mike Huckabee: "Uncle Sugar" (41 replies)
  8. Does anyone here actually watch mainstream news anymore? (31 replies)
  9. Why don't we have barbaric protests in America? (20 replies)
  10. RNC condemns NSA spying in huge turnaround (0 replies)
  11. MSNBC interrupts Congresswoman talking about NSA to report on (1 replies)
  12. Brit Hume refers to Chris Christie as "muscular" (54 replies)
  13. Russia is Building An Army Of Drones (0 replies)
  14. TOP 25 posters of the politics forum for 2013 (36 replies)
  15. Programmer Claims Responsibility For Malware Used in Target Data Theft (4 replies)
  16. With McDonald and Christie Flaming Out - Looks Like Hillary Will Waltz Into Office (21 replies)
  17. Perry favors pot decriminalization (38 replies)
  18. How do you guys feel about the student loan situation? (68 replies)
  19. Patrick Versus Castro (1 replies)
  20. Not Quiet Life (1 replies)
  21. Another Florida Stand Your Ground Claim (4 replies)
  22. Pigs Fly! (10 replies)
  23. el nino weather events to double this century (5 replies)
  24. Ukraine news (1 replies)
  25. 'Secret dealing'? Emails show cozy relationship between EPA, environmental groups (7 replies)
  26. Asian goings on, and why you should care (0 replies)
  27. No mention of the Ukraine in here? (79 replies)
  28. Ailes' Biographer Says Fox News Empire is Crumbling (18 replies)
  29. Conflict of interest at the Wahington Post: Jeff Bezos (13 replies)
  30. Conflict of interest at the Wahington Post: Jeff Bezos (0 replies)
  31. Slashing the IRS Budget—Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish (20 replies)
  32. drought in California (118 replies)
  33. Is Obama Failing Constitutional Law? (16 replies)
  34. Apple Ordered To Pay $32.5 Million For in App Purchases Lawsuit (3 replies)
  35. Texas Public Schools Are Teaching Creationism (53 replies)
  36. Putin on Sochi Olympics: "Gays must leave children in peace" (3 replies)
  37. Serious question. Anyone in here actually signed up for Obamacare yet? (89 replies)
  38. pine glacier retreating fast (2 replies)
  39. What you don't know about chemical laws can kill you (3 replies)
  40. Obama Recess Appointments (1 replies)
  41. secret state of north Korea (16 replies)
  42. America's Real Welfare Queens (1 replies)
  43. (yester) Today's Supreme Court Case You Haven't Heard About (1 replies)
  44. Why is nobody still talking about Bengazi....Bengazi...Bengazi? (80 replies)
  45. Surplus! (29 replies)
  46. ProPublica: Data companies sell billions in prescription data to drug companies (0 replies)
  47. Ars Technica :Patent troll sues Feds (2 replies)
  48. Calculus of innovation (US science scores and what they mean for the country) (1 replies)
  49. Hillary’s Hit List (30 replies)
  50. And Now... (11 replies)
  51. Gatesgate (40 replies)
  52. The West Virginia Cluster-f.... (172 replies)
  53. The Great Demagogue (0 replies)
  54. Senators Pushing US To War With Iran (11 replies)
  55. Repugs love states rights, except with the state is blue (1 replies)
  56. Dennis Rodman Sings Happy Birthday To BFF Kim Jong-Un (3 replies)
  57. Democrats May Get Their Own Destructive Tea Party Movement (4 replies)
  58. Two-woman ticket in Texas goes for history in 2014 (159 replies)
  59. New revelations on the death of Michael Connell (2 replies)
  60. Depressed Republican Pollster Hides In His Mansion (2 replies)
  61. On Speeding... (0 replies)
  62. The Money Behind Texas’ Most Influential Think Tank (0 replies)
  63. Gov. Chris Christie's office knew what was coming in GWB traffic controversy, emails (208 replies)
  64. Michael Strain: A Jobs Agenda for the Right (6 replies)
  65. GOP Civil War in Full Swing (20 replies)
  66. DA: 4 LLers led nypd, fdny led a ss disability fraud (0 replies)
  67. French minister bet our tax money on midget tossing (2 replies)
  68. 54 percent of Republicans do not believe in evolution? Really? (207 replies)
  69. Scientists studying "disappearing" Antarctic ice, rescued from ice (66 replies)
  70. Can we have some wacky Democrat stuff just for balance? (102 replies)
  71. Businesses brace for serious cuts for $15 minimum wage (360 replies)
  72. 2013 - The Year in Crazy (0 replies)
  73. NSA Intercepted New Laptops to Install Spy Malware (29 replies)
  74. Pupil Reflections in Photos Could Help Solve Criminal Investigations (7 replies)
  75. Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War (5 replies)
  76. The Death of Facebook (19 replies)
  77. The Real Dr. Evil (0 replies)
  78. 250K Devices Infected By Cryptolocker Ransomeware in UK Alone (0 replies)
  79. fukishima radiation hits san fran (6 replies)
  80. Cargo Zeppelins To Arrive By 2016 (4 replies)
  81. It Just Wouldn't Be Christmas without a Crazy Hageeism (3 replies)
  82. McDo to employees: Don't Eat Our Food (11 replies)
  83. 5 Times George W. Bush Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits (30 replies)
  84. RSA Denies NSA Back Door (4 replies)
  85. Merry Christmas to my POFO brothers (8 replies)
  86. Texas Left Me Out (0 replies)
  87. Syria Civil War Thread (3 replies)
  88. Big Surprise...Voter ID Laws target poor, Democrats in Swing States (14 replies)
  89. Court: 30,000 Movie Piracy Threats Could Have No Legal Basis (0 replies)
  90. NASA Creates Superhero Robot Named Valkyrie (1 replies)
  91. The wisdom of Phil Robertson (16 replies)
  92. These 2 Cities Are Now Exclusively For Rich People (11 replies)
  93. Two of the most liberal cities, now exclusively for rich people (82 replies)
  94. The Average American (4 replies)
  95. Watch That Cross Contamination... (26 replies)
  96. Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are.... (2 replies)
  97. 26 Senators Defy Obama, Back Iran Sanctions Bill (8 replies)
  98. Phil Robertson Thinks Black People Were Happier Before the Civil Rights Movement (154 replies)
  99. Interesting Piece On The Ukraine (16 replies)
  100. wat (7 replies)
  101. Chinese Moon Display Contains Image of Europe Being Nuked (18 replies)
  102. Inside the Stunning Court Smackdown on NSA Spying (56 replies)
  103. Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat (5 replies)
  104. Reconstructing the Horton 229...Hitler's Stealth Plane (112 replies)
  105. The Skin Gun (1 replies)
  106. George Zimmerman Painting on Ebay receives tens of thousands of dollars in bids (2 replies)
  107. China's Jade Rabbit Moon rover sends back first photos (10 replies)
  108. Flying Spaghetti Diety gets Display (24 replies)
  109. Issa To Texas Health Official: 'You Need To Watch More Fox News' (4 replies)
  110. The Last Pope Changing Church (2 replies)
  111. Obama Allows Great Lakes Water To Be Sold To China (23 replies)
  112. OK Repugs: corporate tax cuts good, school tornado shelters bad (4 replies)
  113. As San Antonio tries to seduce Boeing for 777x plant ... (1 replies)
  114. Space Cowboys: NASA Want To Lasso Asteroids (2 replies)
  115. Political posters of 2013......... sign in __________ (10 replies)
  116. EPA's highest-paid employee, a climate change expert, a complete fraud (22 replies)
  117. V for victory (19 replies)
  118. US Government Pays Contractors Twice as Much as Civil Servants for the Same Work (5 replies)
  119. The FBI Can Remotely Activate your Android & Laptop Mics! (1 replies)
  120. Next iPhone Can Unlock & Hide Messages By Looking At Your Face (4 replies)
  121. Why the VRWC finances obstructionist tea baggers: (0 replies)
  122. Coloring book featuring Ted Cruz selling fast (1 replies)
  123. Missing American in Iran Was On Unapproved Mission (8 replies)
  124. Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud (34 replies)
  125. Why Is Saudi Arabia Buying 15,000 U.S. Anti-Tank Missiles for a War It Will Never Fig (1 replies)
  126. Obama Mandela Speech Cost $500,000 Per Minute (5 replies)
  127. 8 Photos You Didn't See From Obama's Trip to South Africa (2 replies)
  128. Affluenza (25 replies)
  129. the lobotomy files (2 replies)
  130. Santa Claus should not be a white man anymore (164 replies)
  131. Fake interpreter for fake president (0 replies)
  132. Budget deal reached amid conservative opposition (30 replies)
  133. The Most Important Economics Stories of 2013, Told in 40 Graphs (26 replies)
  134. Greenpeace issues dire warning from Scary Santa (1 replies)
  135. How do i get me some negative tax money? (17 replies)
  136. Hey Vets, This One's For You (2 replies)
  137. Whistleblower: How P/E Firms Flagrantly Violate SEC Broker-Dealer Requirements (2 replies)
  138. Afghanistan: Talking Points For US Troops (4 replies)
  139. Drill Here, Drill Now: Was and always be another Repug lie (18 replies)
  140. Sy Hersh: Obama fudges Syria intel. (25 replies)
  141. A Travis County grand jury has indicted Jerald “Jerry” Cobbs, an executive at the Can (17 replies)
  142. DHS stalls no-fly list trial by putting witness on no-fly list (39 replies)
  143. No Alien / Reptilians thread ? (5 replies)
  144. GMO Labeling and the continued Battle (101 replies)
  145. Unregulated Chemicals Found in Drinking Water (14 replies)
  146. What the M$M isn't telling you about Detroits Bankruptcy (14 replies)
  147. Dick Cheney Didn't Regret His Vote Against Freeing The Terrorist Nelson Mandela (37 replies)
  148. great white shark has cancer (4 replies)
  149. Flying hacker contraption hunts other drones, turns them into zombies (0 replies)
  150. Tips for Jesus (0 replies)
  151. 12 Corporate Espionage Tactics Against Progressive Groups, Activists, Whistleblowers (2 replies)
  152. Jonathan Chait on Politico's payola non-scandal (1 replies)
  153. Meanwhile next door...... (11 replies)
  154. Better See Red! (1 replies)
  155. 'Tis The Season ... (33 replies)
  156. US reportedly frees Iranian amid secret talks, but American trio still held (0 replies)
  157. Capitalism in the USA in a nutshell (3 replies)
  158. if bitcoin goes up, silver will go up (0 replies)
  159. Henrey Blodget: Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs' (46 replies)
  160. Microsoft Suspects NSA Of Spying & Strengthens Encryption (35 replies)
  161. Walmart fights (28 replies)
  162. Solar belt around the moon planned by Japanese engineers (24 replies)
  163. LOL Thanksgiving (12 replies)
  164. Happy Thanksgiving, Political Forum Pukes. (7 replies)
  165. Black Thursday= stealing worker's Thanksgiving (26 replies)
  166. Couple Faces $700 Tab For Listing Copy Of Rosetta Stone They Didn't Know Was Pirated (0 replies)
  167. And So It Begins: Gun Confiscation in New York (48 replies)
  168. Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Republican Uncle (0 replies)
  169. Thanksgiving.. (8 replies)
  170. The US flies B-52s into China's new air defense zone. Here's why that matters (9 replies)
  171. Can Corporate-Americans Impose Their Morals on their Human-American Employees? (7 replies)
  172. Driver Arrested In Ohio For Secret Car Compartment Full of Nothing (14 replies)
  173. Tough luck if you're in Texas and poor, like you just die, it pleases Ayn Randians (0 replies)
  174. Sandy Hook & the Boston Bombing You're Being Hoodwinked (8 replies)
  175. Deal reached with Iran (62 replies)
  176. Texas Board of education drops Algebra II requirement for high school graduation. (145 replies)
  177. Pop on JFK Assassination: "I've always wondered what would have happend with vietnam" (11 replies)
  178. No amnesty (0 replies)
  179. Trill Clinton, still playing the knockout game? (31 replies)
  180. Citing Unprecedented Obstruction, Reid Announces Senate Democrats Will Go ‘Nuclear’ (141 replies)
  181. Have you heard? The Hatriots' Revolution Has Begun (1 replies)
  182. We are witnessing the death throes of the Democratic Party (3 replies)
  183. WSJ: JP Morgan and It's 'Victims' (0 replies)
  184. Florida Congressman Radel gets probation on cocaine charge (5 replies)
  185. Right flubs Gettysburg story - twice (6 replies)
  186. North Texas drivers asked for blood and saliva at FWPD roadblock (30 replies)
  187. Forbes: Assassination Market crowdfunded with bitcoins (2 replies)
  188. Census faked 2012 elections job report (11 replies)
  189. Patriot George Zimmerman arrested... again. (147 replies)
  190. Exclusive: US blocks publication of Chilcot’s report on how Britain went to war with (0 replies)
  191. a shocking number of non violent offenders will die in prison (1 replies)
  192. Colorada Police Figiting Air Pollution: OLFACTOMETER (0 replies)
  193. Shoplifting a $159 Jacket: LIFE IN PRISON (69 replies)
  194. Zionists to get taught a major lesson (3 replies)
  195. The verdict is out: never travel to New Mexico (13 replies)
  196. Repug Hispanic Reachout: THE ENDLESS SEARCH FOR JOHN BOEHNER'S BALLS (1 replies)
  197. House Republicans to try to impeach U.S. Attorney General Holder (6 replies)
  198. 12 Reasons why Obama is one of the best Presidents ever (27 replies)
  199. Failures of Alex Jones (32 replies)
  200. If he were black ... (5 replies)
  201. Voting relationship in US senate (0 replies)
  202. TSA screening works only 'a little better than chance,' according to GAO (3 replies)
  203. Who Killed JFK? (177 replies)
  204. Do Democrats Destroy Cities? (74 replies)
  205. Richard Cohen Insists That the Tea Party Hates Race-Mixing (1 replies)
  206. Frickin TX: Railroad Commission Candidates Tout Anti-Abortion Credentials LOL (1 replies)
  207. Good read on ethanol (18 replies)
  208. Philippines Relief Effort (6 replies)
  209. BigPharma Step up its 60-year-old Cholesterol Scam (6 replies)
  210. Amateur hour in Asian diplomacy (4 replies)
  211. Map: Where is Childhood Homelessness Getting Worse? (3 replies)
  212. this is what libtards want to teach your kids in school (3 replies)
  213. Forget The 50 States; The U.S. Is Really 11 Nations (0 replies)
  214. NYT, FT: Bloomberg Spikes Investigative Journalism in China (13 replies)
  215. Texas Monthly: "Growing Disillusioned with HOAs" (117 replies)
  216. Large Majorities Support Raising The Minimum Wage, Tying It To Inflation (15 replies)
  217. Republicans Just Changed The Rules After A Virginia Election To Change The Outcome (12 replies)
  218. Chemtrails? ‘Mysterious Fibers’ Fall from the Sky in France (33 replies)
  219. Chinese Americans Protest against ABC's Racial Discrimination Rhetoric (4 replies)
  220. Texas and 5 Other States Resist Processing Benefits for Gay Couples (3 replies)
  221. Why Are We Still Supporting Israel...Seems The Support Is Always One Sided (0 replies)
  222. The French object to Iran Nuke Deal (1 replies)
  223. Is Obama The Worst President Of All Time? (125 replies)
  224. First amendment BAD, second amendment GOOD! (8 replies)
  225. Will my Obamacare cover anal rape? (19 replies)
  226. Gun Fellain ORGY! (3 replies)
  227. Makers Versus Takers and the race to entitlement (1 replies)
  228. Washington says NO to gmo labeling (45 replies)
  229. Bringing back feudalism—is libertarianism an unwitting tool? (32 replies)
  230. According to Dick Cheney “Canada is Too Dangerous”. (54 replies)
  231. India launches first mission to Mars (3 replies)
  232. Food stamp cuts hit 9 million elderly and disabled people (899 replies)
  233. US Reported In Panicť After Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria (27 replies)
  234. Election Day 2013 All of Them (27 replies)
  235. Election Day - Washington Initiative 522 (8 replies)
  236. difference between stocks and sports betting (4 replies)
  237. Repug reachout 2013: Boner says ENDA is dead in the House (0 replies)
  238. ... ..RandomGuy gets exposed as a shill on youtube (3 replies)
  239. Wonderful success story for deregulation (0 replies)
  240. HIV = AIDS, Fact or Fraud? (33 replies)
  241. Fuku ELE (1 replies)
  242. So Why Aren't Yall Talking About Rand Paul Plagarizing “Gattaca’s” Wikipedia Page (55 replies)
  243. Pot Push in D.C. May Spur Congress to Weigh Legalizing (26 replies)
  244. Executive Order -- Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change (15 replies)
  245. House Passes Deregulation Bill Written by Citigroup (0 replies)
  246. Reddit politics moderators ban Huffington Post, Fox News (15 replies)
  247. Obamacare losers could pack political punch (11 replies)
  248. 27 GOP Senators condemn their own votes (2 replies)
  249. Lol Joel Osteen (4 replies)
  250. Oh stop it, the ACA is already saving money (4 replies)