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  1. Oil's 2-week nosedive shows up at the pump (1 replies)
  2. Republicans tell you what you should and shouldn't eat (63 replies)
  3. Will the REAL Democratic Party Please Stand Up? (10 replies)
  4. Now That's Just Plain Funny (3 replies)
  5. OKay, Now What? (0 replies)
  6. Dirty Politics (0 replies)
  7. Secret Service wants more money for candidates (0 replies)
  8. Anyone have a CLUE who the VPs will be? (22 replies)
  9. Where is the outrage from the leftists on this board? (26 replies)
  10. Vice Presidential Candidates? (0 replies)
  11. Obama's Berlin Speech (132 replies)
  12. Obama, what a nice guy (16 replies)
  13. Divorce Rate not 50%. (15 replies)
  14. New Global Warming Evindence? (17 replies)
  15. "Cheering Troops Greet Obama" (56 replies)
  16. Zimbabwe: Where 100,000,000,000 dollars gets you a loaf of bread. If you're lucky. (2 replies)
  17. The Dollar Decline Slippery Slope for The NBA (2 replies)
  18. Tax plans of Presidential Candidates (13 replies)
  19. Oldie but Goodie. (2 replies)
  20. the thread opposite of "poor" (12 replies)
  21. The Myth of a Toss-up Presidential Election (23 replies)
  22. Who's been to the Middle East? (1 replies)
  23. McSenile it totally confused and makes up sh!t (repeatedly) (37 replies)
  24. Michael Yon: Iraq war over and we won (40 replies)
  25. Questions on Oil (5 replies)
  26. America's Poor: Are they that poor? (105 replies)
  27. Apacolypse? No! (2 replies)
  28. Another story that didn't make the news (50 replies)
  29. Obama: Ethnic cleansing reduced violence (35 replies)
  30. Radovan Karadzic arrested (0 replies)
  31. US Jews vastly prefer the black Muslim terrorist HUSSEIN to war-monger Lieberman (4 replies)
  32. Right now, who would you vote for? (44 replies)
  33. Just another day at the beach! (10 replies)
  34. Oil Supplies and Speculators (3 replies)
  35. Is Jack Thompson going to take away our freedoms? (1 replies)
  36. Maliki Supports Obama Iraq Plan (29 replies)
  37. US Oilcos making govt domestic/foreign policy? It's not paranoia (2 replies)
  38. Growing belief that media helping Obama (53 replies)
  39. Thank Our Soldiers When You Have The Chance (13 replies)
  40. N.H. will accept free oil from Chavez after all (8 replies)
  41. Obama in Kuwait (6 replies)
  42. USAF Counter-Terror Funds Buy "Comfort Capsules" (0 replies)
  43. Texas Approves a $4.93 Billion Wind-Power Project (86 replies)
  44. Dilemma: Iran v. Mavs (87 replies)
  45. dubya, Maliki Agree on 'Time Horizon' for U.S. Troop Withdrawals (26 replies)
  46. Pumas (3 replies)
  47. Not so Booming Economies... (1 replies)
  48. Al Queda to Stump for McCain (16 replies)
  49. Faster, Washington! Drill, drill! (70 replies)
  50. The "bomb" that hit Pearl Harbor (11 replies)
  51. Shale Oil (20 replies)
  52. Wow, just wow...overturned D.C. handgun ban - rejects Heller's app for permit (4 replies)
  53. World Court orders Texas to stay executions (19 replies)
  54. McCain On Afghanistan (2 replies)
  55. Bush administration official to attend negotiations with *gasp* Iran! (44 replies)
  56. Hey Radio Fucktards...Give me Stephanie Miller or Give me death! (6 replies)
  57. Billboard In Florida (6 replies)
  58. Congratulations from Homeland Security!!!! (10 replies)
  59. i'll gladly start this wildfire (108 replies)
  60. American's Chickens: Coming Home to Roost (0 replies)
  61. Can Progressives Unite, or Will It Be the Same Old Bit-Politics Story? (7 replies)
  62. Those Liberal Rags (39 replies)
  63. The silence of the lenders (7 replies)
  64. what has ur elected official done 4 u or ur part of city (3 replies)
  65. Clinging to Religion and Guns (2 replies)
  66. Countdown to Armageddon (40 replies)
  67. Just How Out of Touch is the M$M? (5 replies)
  68. War Crimes (16 replies)
  69. Well.....well.....Will the Chickens Come Home To Roost (24 replies)
  70. Tony Snow dies (43 replies)
  71. Who Will Win the $500,000 Global Warming Challenge? (38 replies)
  72. A song for my liberal friends (9 replies)
  73. Dem congress good for gas prices (8 replies)
  74. Presidential candidate Obama to sponsor Cup car at Pocono race (12 replies)
  75. Interesting Straw Vote on AOL (13 replies)
  76. A Nation of Whiners! (37 replies)
  77. Obama needs $200 million to ‘keep pace’ (2 replies)
  78. Bush and Cheney propose dissolving Judicial and Legislative branches altogether (17 replies)
  79. No one cares about Iranian missile testing? (60 replies)
  80. Rove ignores subpoena, refuses to testify (123 replies)
  81. Senate Approves Telecom Immunity and New Eavesdropping Rules l (23 replies)
  82. Jackson apologizes for 'crude' Obama remarks (21 replies)
  83. Voter Fraud isn't the only thing they're good at (5 replies)
  84. Old Country or New Country music whats ur choice (0 replies)
  85. Here it is, the BBC Covers WTC 7!!!!!!! (61 replies)
  86. The Libertarian Legacy (4 replies)
  87. Good News from Iraq... (1 replies)
  88. All Aboard! The Hagee Censor Express (0 replies)
  89. Oil Companies Export Record Gas While American Consumers Bled Dry (33 replies)
  90. As if flying Wasn't Torture Enough Already... (12 replies)
  91. Six months, 15 days... (17 replies)
  92. The U.S. M$M is a Joke! (12 replies)
  93. The Democratic Resurrection in Texas (15 replies)
  94. is Nbadan the best poster of the politics forum? (39 replies)
  95. Iraq says may agree timetable for U.S. withdrawal (54 replies)
  96. The Mind and the Obama Magic (18 replies)
  97. Flashback: Mission Accomplished (8 replies)
  98. Offshore Drilling Spin is Laughable (9 replies)
  99. Iraqis lead final purge of Al-Qaeda (11 replies)
  100. US removes uranium from Iraq (17 replies)
  101. John Edwards to Debate Karl Rove (7 replies)
  102. Black National Anthem (15 replies)
  103. Jesse Helms dies at age 86 (28 replies)
  104. Question for texans (11 replies)
  105. Happy Independence Day! (18 replies)
  106. uh oh (28 replies)
  107. Obama's Elitism Problem (4 replies)
  108. Prayer at the Pump (47 replies)
  109. Obama's Move to the Middle (20 replies)
  110. Obama rewrites Iraq plan (6 replies)
  111. Patriotism (42 replies)
  112. IRAQ if jacked, what do we do? (32 replies)
  113. Ingrid Betancourt : Happy! (1 replies)
  114. Bi-Partisan Problem (28 replies)
  115. Pro or Con for Border Control? (4 replies)
  116. US leaders acknowledge 'tough' going in Afghanistan (41 replies)
  117. McCain Orders Shake-Up of His Campaign (0 replies)
  118. Ingrid Betancourt is Free (7 replies)
  119. Obama and faith based programs (5 replies)
  120. IMF Comes a'Knocking...Bernanke's Fire Sale (9 replies)
  121. Stupid is as Stupid does... (0 replies)
  122. Joe Horn Murderer or Neighbor of the Year? (137 replies)
  123. Former ‘24′ President Credits His Role for Obama Rise (17 replies)
  124. Eat Your Heart Out Liberals (13 replies)
  125. Patriots or Traitors? (39 replies)
  126. Out the Shill (8 replies)
  127. Wounded Iraqi Forces Say They’ve Been Abandoned (5 replies)
  128. Clark Just Made My V.P. Short-List Again (66 replies)
  129. McCain Truth Squad: HUSSEIN was cavorting in N. Viet Nam 1971 (4 replies)
  130. Telecom Immunity, for a price (11 replies)
  131. McCain: The New O.J. (1 replies)
  132. Awesome website (4 replies)
  133. AT&T Leaving San Antonio (33 replies)
  134. Kevin Barrett to Interview Federal Reserve Banker on Radio (10 replies)
  135. Reporting by Omission (2 replies)
  136. What could possibly go wrong? (0 replies)
  137. Second Amendment and Nancy Pelosi (10 replies)
  138. $7 Per Gallon Gas Coming Soon? (110 replies)
  139. 9/11 Family Member Patty Casazza: Government Knew Exact Date and Exact Targets (25 replies)
  140. Reagamessiah got an airport, Bush gets... a sewage treatment plant? (7 replies)
  141. Memo to Conservatives: It's over.. (28 replies)
  142. "Predator" settlement? (19 replies)
  143. Clueless (1 replies)
  144. Ultimately, THIS is the greatest legacy of the Bush Presidency (44 replies)
  145. Heating, Electricity Rates Rising As Prices For Natural Gas Surge (68 replies)
  146. The McCain Green Screen Challenge (4 replies)
  147. Pakistans CIA hit on Karzai (42 replies)
  148. Obama asks donors to help Clinton with debt (25 replies)
  149. One and One (21 replies)
  150. you've got to be kidding me (5 replies)
  151. McCain in 2005: Gitmo Detainees Deserve Trials Or Should Be Released (1 replies)
  152. Portland's fascist Liberal Government (52 replies)
  153. nbasham, boutons. why do you live in the usa? (95 replies)
  154. Global Sea Ice (0 replies)
  155. FEAR and McCain (4 replies)
  156. 44% of Americans think Torturing American GIs is OK (12 replies)
  157. sons I have a serious question that needs a serious answer about Hussein (33 replies)
  158. How the fascist corps + govt enriches themselves, while benefitting no citizens (5 replies)
  159. The Planned Pregnancy Hoax (3 replies)
  160. Barrett misses Nass in would-be confrontation (0 replies)
  161. Laura Ingraham Show: Obama the Apostate and more Faux News Garbage (30 replies)
  162. On this Day: Galileo Sentenced for Believing Sun Is Center of Universe (10 replies)
  163. Saudi Arabia mtg: some see $200/barrel (11 replies)
  164. Off come the lid on WTC 7! (93 replies)
  165. Other Industrial Countrise Can and DO! USA: "No We Can't" (20 replies)
  166. McFlop's Energy Week a Fiasco (if one checks the facts) (2 replies)
  167. Obama Supports FISA Legislation, Angering Left (1 replies)
  168. Obama Plays Race Card (51 replies)
  169. maybe this is what's driving WC goofy: HUSSEIN! 51% - 36% (56 replies)
  170. President Carter?? (5 replies)
  171. John McCain Didn't Love His Country Until the Age of 31 (26 replies)
  172. tonto not vote (4 replies)
  173. If Al Gore wasn't robbed... (20 replies)
  174. The Biggest Scam in History (0 replies)
  175. Obama for $Change$!!!! (29 replies)
  176. Mission Accomplished (65 replies)
  177. US Military: OOPSIES! We accidentally created terrorists. (58 replies)
  178. Obama to legalize crack cocaine and decriminalize other drugs (0 replies)
  179. John McCain's Connection to Big Oil & The Enron Loophole (32 replies)
  180. America's Various -ism's... a Question for the Forum (12 replies)
  181. Blackwater: Bringing Shari’a Law to the U.S. (4 replies)
  182. Big Bad John (6 replies)
  183. Put Him in the Ground Already!! (6 replies)
  184. GOP Convention button says it all. (20 replies)
  185. Obama: a strong gvt hand is needed to assure that wealth is distributed more evenly (57 replies)
  186. Free-market solution needed: A question for "righties" (41 replies)
  187. Are Obamanites Really That Ignorant? (17 replies)
  188. Quinnapiac Battleground Updates: Florida - Obama +4, Ohio - Obama +6, Pennsylvania - (18 replies)
  189. A Couple of Questions (74 replies)
  190. Bush to ask Congress to clear way for offshore oil drilling (101 replies)
  191. $1.14 Quadrillion In Dervatives says Bank Of International Settlements (0 replies)
  192. Ross Perot: America is spending itself off a cliff (27 replies)
  193. What am I? (15 replies)
  194. Windfall Profits Tax (24 replies)
  195. Juan Crow (19 replies)
  196. McCain - Yes We C@nt! (1 replies)
  197. New Fascists: The powerful democrats (26 replies)
  198. How do you identify politically? (21 replies)
  199. Poll: How do you identify politically? (3 replies)
  200. Iowa (62 replies)
  201. I'm Voting Republican! (5 replies)
  202. Where's Obama? (18 replies)
  203. New Nader video: ‘Nader takes NBA to court’ (3 replies)
  204. Does Maliki think he's the real leader? (3 replies)
  205. Sons who will you be voting for?? (14 replies)
  206. Yes, more on Global Warming (1 replies)
  207. Can someone please explain the differences between Obama and McCain? (80 replies)
  208. Good Luck, John Bus...err McCain (8 replies)
  209. Manson follower Atkins may go free (14 replies)
  210. Biggest douchebag on this forum? (19 replies)
  211. Tim Russert just colapsed and died. (44 replies)
  212. With whom would you rather have a beer? (33 replies)
  213. This Bud's from Belgiam? (56 replies)
  214. Supreme Court Gives Detainees Habeas Rights.... (96 replies)
  215. 16 Year Old Takes OReilly to School (10 replies)
  216. Fox News Gets A Little Racist..... (23 replies)
  217. One more reason the U.N. needs to go (6 replies)
  218. On Oil and Taxes (259 replies)
  219. Drug Wars (29 replies)
  220. McCain's Not too important D'OH! (34 replies)
  221. Johnson resigns from team vetting Obama veep (10 replies)
  222. Kucinich and his 35 Articles of Impeachment (12 replies)
  223. Former official sues NASCAR over harassment claims (Sexual and Racial harrasment) (21 replies)
  224. The Killer Tomatoes (6 replies)
  225. Best conservative propaganda whore (66 replies)
  226. Best Propaganda whore on the ST Political Forum (36 replies)
  227. Is FoxNews' E.D. Hill really that ignorant? (60 replies)
  228. Sign from Above? (5 replies)
  229. wolrd gas prices (11 replies)
  230. An Important Column by Dr. Sowell (20 replies)
  231. Laura Bush understands Michelle Obama (8 replies)
  232. Did I miss the thread... (15 replies)
  233. McClellan to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee (8 replies)
  234. Why there is no way I'll vote for McSame (4 replies)
  235. 5 reasons not to vote for Obama.... (not me by the way) (13 replies)
  236. Why Mccain challenged Obama to Town Hall Meetings (10 replies)
  237. The Wife John McCain Callously Left Behind (26 replies)
  238. Take Away His Teleprompter And........ (22 replies)
  239. who should you vote for? (quiz) (2 replies)
  240. That Sound You Hear (4 replies)
  241. INDIA is here to stay! (4 replies)
  242. A glimpse into government health care (109 replies)
  243. Obama's got my vote! (1 replies)
  244. Bilderberg 2008: June 5-8 in Chantilly, Virginia (17 replies)
  245. How many zeroes in a billion? (4 replies)
  246. Another Repug/neo-cunt Mission Accomplished: drown govt in bathtub (7 replies)
  247. Has McCain lost his damn mind? (11 replies)
  248. Dubya's Super-Duper Secret Plan to Stay in Iraq Forever (1 replies)
  249. Question for all you McCain nuthuggers. (35 replies)
  250. Obama's positions on issues (173 replies)