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  1. Lou Dobbs: Voters tell Washington to shut up and listen (6 replies)
  2. Message to Democrats - lesson to be learned from this election (19 replies)
  3. Bill Clinton know's what is important when the country is at war!!!!!!! (16 replies)
  4. GODDAMN this is funny. (39 replies)
  5. "Cease fire, friendlies, I am Pat (expletive) Tillman, damn it!" (0 replies)
  6. AP: Dems win the Senate (3 replies)
  7. Stupid voters can change the outcome of an election (10 replies)
  8. Uncomfortable lessons from a disastrous night (3 replies)
  9. McCain blows (6 replies)
  10. Could an Independent win the Presidency in 08? (22 replies)
  11. AP: Rummy stepping down (85 replies)
  12. Lieberman (20 replies)
  13. Big Victory for Moderate GOP Senators. (9 replies)
  14. Why?? (12 replies)
  15. so now that the donkey ran on antibush platform what is their will plans (1 replies)
  16. Stocks seen off sharply on Democratic House win (5 replies)
  17. Question (1 replies)
  18. top 100 ways Nbadan will celebrate today. (34 replies)
  19. Xray,Vashner,AHF,JockHam,Yoni,Gtown,TPork (25 replies)
  20. Board Republicans: Where did it all go wrong? (87 replies)
  21. I don't know what it is but, why do they call them dimmocraps? (0 replies)
  22. This just in: Karl Rove sucks at math (12 replies)
  23. Tennessee: Ford Versus Corker (4 replies)
  24. Time to get the wallets out. (49 replies)
  25. Concession Photos: Post em' (12 replies)
  26. Montana: Tester Versus Burns (25 replies)
  27. Missouri: Talent Versus McCaskill (19 replies)
  28. The Vote 2006 - State Governor (8 replies)
  29. Cheney will be walking around South Dakota with a loaded shotgun on election day (0 replies)
  30. NY Plans to Make Gender Personal Choice (3 replies)
  31. The Vote 2006 - Senate (59 replies)
  32. The Vote 2006 - House Of Reps. (14 replies)
  33. Exit Polls (32 replies)
  34. How Come (2 replies)
  35. What Do I Need To Have To Vote? (2 replies)
  36. Deaths in U.S.A. (Should we pull out) (25 replies)
  37. Election day Blog (486 replies)
  38. Rumsfeld and the lying bastards must go (9 replies)
  39. Barack Obama! SO YOUNG & SO NEW & Already crooked?Bust the Demo's bubble (67 replies)
  40. Chelsea's Gotten Hot! (36 replies)
  41. Don't forget to vote tomorrow. (17 replies)
  42. Why The Demos Must Win Tuesday (5 replies)
  43. FOX News sucks at math (2 replies)
  44. I guarantee, Chad Johnson style, that the GOP will remain the majority (7 replies)
  45. Will the Democrats win the Majority of the House? (2 replies)
  46. Will the Democrats Win the Majority in the Senate? (11 replies)
  47. Anyone Old Enough To Remember Daniel Ortega? (5 replies)
  48. The Polls Say... (11 replies)
  49. Mecaca's Going Down (84 replies)
  50. Vanity Fair lied about "neocons" (6 replies)
  51. Perry The Comdemner?!? (12 replies)
  52. Dubya the Campaigner?!? (5 replies)
  53. Uh-OH is something wrong (7 replies)
  54. There is so much going on...... (4 replies)
  55. Florida and Ohio (3 replies)
  56. Here's A New Take On The NYT Revelations (1 replies)
  57. Another real reason for Repug Iraq fiasco: oil (12 replies)
  58. War Criminals, Beware (13 replies)
  59. Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging (24 replies)
  60. Military Newspapers calling for Rummy's head (74 replies)
  61. Neocons think Bush & Co. are incompetent (4 replies)
  62. G.O.P. Glum as It Struggles to Hold Congress (1 replies)
  63. Stand Up for Peace! (2 replies)
  64. Meanwhile, Puto Gonzalez continues turning tricks for dickhead ... (12 replies)
  65. Another Republican Resigns from Congress-under fire (1 replies)
  66. New York Times says Saddam had WMD's and the NYT Doesn't lie.lol (0 replies)
  67. The Google/ e-mail! (0 replies)
  68. And the most vicous Bush-haters are...NeoCons??? (53 replies)
  69. Vote Kinky!!! (2 replies)
  70. Kanye "The Christ" West strikes again... (19 replies)
  71. Another Republican congressman resigns in disgrace (11 replies)
  72. The rest of the story (8 replies)
  73. Yoni accepts the NY Times a reliable source (17 replies)
  74. New York Times justified invasion of Iraq! (51 replies)
  75. The Economy Sucks!!! (28 replies)
  76. Oh Ted (18 replies)
  77. dubya and Repugs begin closing up shop in Iraq (1 replies)
  78. Another Gay/Right WIng Moral Evangelical goe down (87 replies)
  79. Clinton Did favors for Big Oil Also (7 replies)
  80. Convicted Abu Ghraib abuser redeployed to Iraq (18 replies)
  81. Here We Go Again! (7 replies)
  82. Texas Vote Fraud (19 replies)
  83. The heck with Kerry, Majority Leader Boehner needs to apologize. (8 replies)
  84. Karma call for Satan (6 replies)
  85. Terrorists say: Vote Democrat!! (39 replies)
  86. First, Maliki, now Iran, says "Fuck you, USA" (6 replies)
  87. "Let's Impeach The President" (29 replies)
  88. The Fix is In (3 replies)
  89. Debate Over: War-For-Oil People Win (2 replies)
  90. Tax Shock: Who's Really Raising M.C.Taxes? (0 replies)
  91. NASA and Commerce Dept. exposing Bush Admin's "War on Science" (1 replies)
  92. do you vote strictly on political parties? (1 replies)
  93. Katherine Harris is dumb as shit, but hot as hell... (33 replies)
  94. Rove's Nov surprise better be a good one (3 replies)
  95. Important Message About February. (4 replies)
  96. Since the Left puts so much stock in what... (11 replies)
  97. Senate Polls tied at 50-50 (25 replies)
  98. What kind of Republican are you? (6 replies)
  99. No wonder the right is in righteous indignation over Kerry (51 replies)
  100. It's 1 November. What was the Rove October Surprise? (13 replies)
  101. Iraq is lost: let's obsess on Kerry (4 replies)
  102. Are The Democrats Really "Picking Out The Drapes"? (0 replies)
  103. The 'Doh! War' (1 replies)
  104. Air America: What Demos Are Up Against (7 replies)
  105. Zounds, the Dimm-o-craps have brainwashed some military brass! (11 replies)
  106. Lincoln Chafee (0 replies)
  107. Kerry Addressing Students (193 replies)
  108. U.S. Drops Bid Over Royalties From Chevron (0 replies)
  109. President Pelosi (how does that sound) (53 replies)
  110. Commercial (0 replies)
  111. Report on economic impact of climate change by ex-cheif economist of WB (83 replies)
  112. Shreddin' docs at the Cheney compound (4 replies)
  113. Ours is a Conservative Country (8 replies)
  114. Contest: Identify the quote (11 replies)
  115. Corporate Greed at its worst: why capitalism needs rules (56 replies)
  116. I've been trying to warn you too! (20 replies)
  117. where did all the Bush lovers go? (94 replies)
  118. I've been trying to warn you. Here's another. (22 replies)
  119. Fox News is doing it's part for GOP (19 replies)
  120. Lets talk about diebold or how to steal an election (21 replies)
  121. Lynne Cheney Goes Unhinged! (35 replies)
  122. The Dixie Chicks Ad NBC Doesn’t Want You To See (32 replies)
  123. Oh no! Muslims gaining a voting voice!!!! (0 replies)
  124. Islam Vs. Christianity (37 replies)
  125. On God (36 replies)
  126. Okay Answer Me A Question (15 replies)
  127. A long, but very well thought out Salon Article (10 replies)
  128. Guess The Dimms Have Their Dirty Thoughts Too (13 replies)
  129. The ultimate stupidity of partisanship... (16 replies)
  130. Has Saddam been convicted yet? (11 replies)
  131. It Was Only a Matter of Time! (5 replies)
  132. Why don't we hear more about Muslims views on Women from NOW et al? (1 replies)
  133. Reminding everyone what Bush said prior to Invasion (5 replies)
  134. Nope we don't need a fence on the border (38 replies)
  135. Mays Consider Wing-nut Radio Fire Sale (5 replies)
  136. Republicans Turning On The NeoCons (8 replies)
  137. Zogby: Hugo Chavez Leads Closest Rival by 35% (3 replies)
  138. The Holy Ghost Victory For The GOP (32 replies)
  139. The Iraq War in 8 Minutes (2 replies)
  140. Judge Orders Release Of Abu Ghraib Child Rape Photos (5 replies)
  141. Another (Homosexual) domino falls (94 replies)
  142. Laptop confiscation at US border? (8 replies)
  143. "Screw you, I've got mine" is about as un-Christian as it gets. (85 replies)
  144. caption contest (5 replies)
  145. Why the Republicans need to lose the midterms (1 replies)
  146. Mo-mentum: Kinky Friedman Needs To Put Ego Aside And Withdrawal (36 replies)
  147. Timeline later, more troops now? (26 replies)
  148. Hillary/Obama? (4 replies)
  149. Olberman Calls GOP Leading Terrais' (0 replies)
  150. Winner: Magazine Cover of the Year (0 replies)
  151. Control Of Senate Could Come Down To Tenn./ Virginia (16 replies)
  152. Gun Control (1 replies)
  153. Something Else To Worry About (19 replies)
  154. Non-Partisans Favor DEMOs 59% - 31% (10 replies)
  155. Active-Duty Troops Launch Campaign to End U.S. Occupation of Iraq (173 replies)
  156. Rush Limbaugh say Michael J. Fox is "acting" out his Parkinson's symptoms (129 replies)
  157. Diebold Source Code Leaked .... Again! (18 replies)
  158. October 23, Early Voting in Texas (4 replies)
  159. Clinton v. McCain poll (4 replies)
  160. How about this guy X-Ray? (0 replies)
  161. Republican Crook for the Day (0 replies)
  162. Iraq as election ploy. (10 replies)
  163. Dimm-o-craps in Charge (3 replies)
  164. Church Universities and Sexual Lifestyle (28 replies)
  165. Bush: ‘We’ve Never Been Stay The Course’ (56 replies)
  166. US diplomant on al Jazeera: "US 'arrogant and stupid' in Iraq" (1 replies)
  167. The U.S. Terrorists Who Never Make The M$M (31 replies)
  168. Does the Military Commission Act Include U.S. Citizens? (4 replies)
  169. Bush Wacked! (Open thread) (4 replies)
  170. Border Security?? or We did it just because we could? (0 replies)
  171. DO you want a certain party to take over America (6 replies)
  172. Jimmy Carter has lost it. (27 replies)
  173. Is Susan Reed A Republican Or Democrat? (6 replies)
  174. Ariz. can seek photo ID for vote By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer (0 replies)
  175. NYT Didn't Immediately Answer Questions (2 replies)
  176. Are The Chickens Coming Home To Roost (7 replies)
  177. Pat Tillman's brother writes about U.S. Leadership (lack thereof) (156 replies)
  178. as if dubya didn't have enough problems (4 replies)
  179. The truth about Bagdad (13 replies)
  180. Do the crooked politicians ever stop? (2 replies)
  181. GOP ad "speaking the language" of the African-American voter (4 replies)
  182. Donald Rumsfeld - Inspired by GOD (8 replies)
  183. Hutch: 'I Was Against The Iraq War Before I was For It' (5 replies)
  184. I can Wait (3 replies)
  185. Judge orders Cheney visitor logs opened (17 replies)
  186. Troops' debt a growing security concern (34 replies)
  187. UK 'number one al-Qaeda target' (7 replies)
  188. If you want to see the future of the Democratic Party.. (51 replies)
  189. Hmmmm. Seems the Main Stream Media Has A Problem (2 replies)
  190. General Caldwell (0 replies)
  191. Clinton says it best (15 replies)
  192. An Interesting Read (12 replies)
  193. It's The Economy Stupid! ...Just Not the Stock Market (3 replies)
  194. Chris Duel and NAScar Dad get it (14 replies)
  195. McCain Says He'll Commit Suicide if Demos win Senate (0 replies)
  196. Too fat to die? (20 replies)
  197. Snow Job (4 replies)
  198. John Ashcroft will be on The Daily Show tonight (31 replies)
  199. Gulf War 2 Vet Dismembers/Cooks Girlfriend (39 replies)
  200. Lou Dobbs on CNN tonight: Fighting back in the war on the middle class (11 replies)
  201. Baghdad Burning (14 replies)
  202. Nevada Could Legalize Pot (Think Amsterdam) (44 replies)
  203. Dubya Has 'Super-dupper Secret' Plan To Win Iraq War (2 replies)
  204. If the Democrats take Congress (14 replies)
  205. FBI director wants ISPs to track users (12 replies)
  206. All Your Space Are Belong To Us (0 replies)
  207. There are adults, American style (1 replies)
  208. North Korea Has Passed The Point Were It Can Be Ignored (27 replies)
  209. Condi Rice loses the base for '08. (4 replies)
  210. Lower Deficit Sparks Debate Over Tax Cuts' Role (24 replies)
  211. Droopy Dog Endorses Bolton UN Nomination (0 replies)
  212. Ken Lay Conviction Wiped Away (8 replies)
  213. Hispanics Warned That They Will Be Arrested At Polls (37 replies)
  214. Nine paradoxes of counterinsurgency (33 replies)
  215. "Iron" Mike Tyson speaks..... (0 replies)
  216. God and Moses are opposed to raising the minimum wage? (6 replies)
  217. South Dakota to Vote on Right of Citizens to Sue Judges Over Rulings (18 replies)
  218. CNN Breaks Down Drop in Oil (8 replies)
  219. So What Happens If....... (3 replies)
  220. I guess it comes down to what's important to you (17 replies)
  221. Marriage Now a Minority in the U.S. (15 replies)
  222. FBI Raids Curt Weldon (R., PA) Home (7 replies)
  223. Mehlman, Mehlman, Mehlman... (4 replies)
  224. Texas's Own Wing-Nut George Soros (6 replies)
  225. Sen. Harry Reid's Raw Deal (35 replies)
  226. Kerry in 08? I don't Think So (11 replies)
  227. GOP/Talk Radio propoganda machine out in full force (28 replies)
  228. Catholic views (552 replies)
  229. Internet Gaming Ban (22 replies)
  230. Who Needs Help with Their Jihad? (1 replies)
  231. Check This Out... (107 replies)
  232. Mel Says Alcohol/Unfair Criticism Triggered Tirade (16 replies)
  233. FEDS Question 14-Year Old Over Anti-W Myspace Page (33 replies)
  234. Apparently, Failure Is Never An Option (6 replies)
  235. Records Reveal That U.S. Labels Anti-War Protests as "Potential Terrorist Activity" (2 replies)
  236. Damn! And, I had such high hopes... (51 replies)
  237. Freakin' Global Warming! (22 replies)
  238. Hey YONI Speak right UP (52 replies)
  239. Liberals/Muslims/Religious Wackos/will destroy the world/with help from Repubs (9 replies)
  240. Sorry Google: Anti-Piracy System Could Hurt Youtube Edgy Appeal (4 replies)
  241. Looming Landslide For Demos? (75 replies)
  242. Tempting Faith (9 replies)
  243. Violent Crime Surging Even In Cities With No Katrina Evacuees (3 replies)
  244. A Look Inside North Korea (11 replies)
  245. I guess it's just a matter of who's in favor... (3 replies)
  246. 100 Dollar Laptops for the Children of the World (3 replies)
  247. dubya blaming NK on Clinton (5 replies)
  248. Last Night's South Park (2 replies)
  249. So Goes The Nation (2 replies)
  250. Federal Deficit Now Lowest (10 replies)