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  1. Two million Egyptians express love for new Democratic Freedoms... (159 replies)
  2. So, will the media and Left... (20 replies)
  3. Is the modern central bank in need of reform? (2 replies)
  4. Michele Bachmann votes to defund AmeriCorps... (8 replies)
  5. On prank call, Wis. governor discusses strategy (47 replies)
  6. shawna forde sentenced to death (75 replies)
  7. Sub Officer Discharged Over Religious Beliefs (8 replies)
  8. DOMA will no longer be defended (71 replies)
  9. Wisconsin Governor Caught on Tape Conspiring Against Citizens (29 replies)
  10. Out of Wisconsin, a lesson in leadership for Obama (31 replies)
  11. Is Western Civilization Un-American? (40 replies)
  12. Latest cause of global warming: men (4 replies)
  13. Because the private sector always does it better... (16 replies)
  14. Michele Bachman believes Glenn Beck can solve the debt crisis... (33 replies)
  15. CAIR confronts Allen West (27 replies)
  16. Hometown Hero (87 replies)
  17. lol Wells Fargo (13 replies)
  18. Why do Finland's schools get the best results? (126 replies)
  19. Gaddafi's son warns of "rivers of blood" in Libya (18 replies)
  20. Why Brandeis Matters (1 replies)
  21. Friend v. Friend: The Transformation of Friendship and What the Law Has to Do with it (3 replies)
  22. Defense leaders fear military-civilian 'disconnect' (0 replies)
  23. Have you noticed your dishes aren't as clean? (66 replies)
  24. Children beaten and/or killed in the name of God, daily in Nigeria alone (10 replies)
  25. Texas poised to pass bill allowing guns on campus (134 replies)
  26. South Commemorates Davis’ confederate inauguration (14 replies)
  27. FBI: Web-based Services Hurting Wiretapping Efforts (0 replies)
  28. Police Chief to Parents: Hack Your Kids’ Facebook Accounts (23 replies)
  29. Feds Pay Millions For Bogus Spy Software (8 replies)
  30. The case against public sector unionism (40 replies)
  31. My Life.. (2 replies)
  32. The Facebook Revolution in Lybia (93 replies)
  33. Why is secession a bad idea? (28 replies)
  34. And now a few words with Patrick J. Buchanan (18 replies)
  35. Memos: Firefighter refused call to Tucson shooting (16 replies)
  36. Unions vs. Republicans... (266 replies)
  37. Bahrain troops shoot at protesters: ex MP (1 replies)
  38. A RINO speaks. (25 replies)
  39. 111 charged in Medicare scams worth $225 million (9 replies)
  40. Clown congressman messes up first vote (3 replies)
  41. Study: Doctors order tests out of fear of lawsuits (25 replies)
  42. Norwegian healthcare system (65 replies)
  43. Average Americans take on the budget problem. (40 replies)
  44. Glenn Beck's ongoing freakout (36 replies)
  45. Pa. teacher strikes nerve with 'lazy whiners' blog (28 replies)
  46. Fox News Caught In Dirty Tricks (17 replies)
  47. Matt Taibbi: Why isn't Wall Street in jail? (31 replies)
  48. Iraqi Defector Admits Lying About WMD to Topple Saddam Hussein (36 replies)
  49. Boehner: If Jobs Are Lost As A Result Of GOP Spending Cuts 'So Be It' (26 replies)
  50. what really happens in Iraq (0 replies)
  51. CBS reporter beaten and sexually assaulted (72 replies)
  52. Immigration Officer Puts Wife on the No-Fly List (16 replies)
  53. 6 year old committed to psych ward by school... (7 replies)
  54. More red-state insanity: Missouri Lawmaker Pushes Bill Rolling Back Child Labor Laws (37 replies)
  55. Another stupid green initiative bites the dust (3 replies)
  56. "Christian" bubbas at it again: legal to kill doctors who perform abortions (119 replies)
  57. Glenn Beck: Don't use Google, they're in bed with the Fed (41 replies)
  58. Nine Pictures of the Extreme Income/Wealth Gap (443 replies)
  59. NYT: Repugs property tax cuts strangling TX schools (97 replies)
  60. Boehner says facts show Obama a Christian, citizen (5 replies)
  61. Grover Norquist: Conservative principles and prison (31 replies)
  62. U.S. Govt's Ties to Terrorism (8 replies)
  63. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says Obama agenda is `over' (7 replies)
  64. Rape, forcible rape, what's the difference? (42 replies)
  65. Next Stop for the Facebook Revolution: Algeria (3 replies)
  66. Ron Paul at CPAC (18 replies)
  67. Tea Party Freshmen hold Republicans to... (16 replies)
  68. The Plutocracy Goes After Glenn Greenwald (11 replies)
  69. Asshat of the Week - Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) (7 replies)
  70. Chinese Attackers Grab Data from Energy Companies (6 replies)
  71. Iranians Support Egypt During Celebration of Their Revolution (7 replies)
  72. Trump dumps a chump at CPAC (12 replies)
  73. Comparing two economic recoveries (9 replies)
  74. "We Were a Stalin-esque Mouthpiece for Bush" (34 replies)
  75. When Citizens United $100Ms just isn't enough (2 replies)
  76. Man faces misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty after his dog kills young raccoon that (0 replies)
  77. Oh Bill O'Reilly, will you ever learn... (29 replies)
  78. Michele Bachmann speaks at a Tea Party event... (9 replies)
  79. WSJ: Assange probe hits snag (0 replies)
  80. VRWC plutocracy rolls: lying to the idiocracy (5 replies)
  81. $3.5 million US AID spent per day on Eqypt's Military (62 replies)
  82. NY Rep. Chris Lee resigns (49 replies)
  83. Patriot Act extension fails in House (30 replies)
  84. CR Spending Cuts to Go Deep (2 replies)
  85. Which Republican Women Would You Do? (23 replies)
  86. Cloak and Dagger: US, Pakistan ties strained over diplomat-involved shooting (56 replies)
  87. Cloak and Dagger: US and Pakistan break high level ties over motorcycle killing (2 replies)
  88. Fannie and Freddie phase-out plan due (51 replies)
  89. Brace yourself for the food-price bubble (39 replies)
  90. Are you smarter than a US diplomat: quiz (64 replies)
  91. My Main Man Keith Olbermann Is Back In Bizness (10 replies)
  92. Inflation Myth and Reality (6 replies)
  93. GOP's big ideas for tax reduction (2 replies)
  94. Is it really possible for the US to default? (59 replies)
  95. The Next Bubble (27 replies)
  96. what idiot said this: "Marijuana is the most dangerous drug in America" (18 replies)
  97. Sarah Palin: I want to 'Help' the Media... (12 replies)
  98. Its cheaper to feed kids Fruit Loops than fruit. (198 replies)
  99. Anyone notice a trend in these photos? (45 replies)
  100. Left's tributes to Reagan are self-serving (26 replies)
  101. "News" for idiots merges with tech for idiots (24 replies)
  102. Is the economy THAT bad? (94 replies)
  103. At least the GM bailout has them in the right direction now.... (16 replies)
  104. Dead men walking, with license to kill (0 replies)
  105. 'Bout F'n time someone in the media... (27 replies)
  106. Political correctness -- a liberal ideology... (16 replies)
  107. Hey, doesn't Google have quite a cozy... (9 replies)
  108. Roving Power Blackout Made Power Companies Millions (7 replies)
  109. Big Beer lobbyists at work in Texas (44 replies)
  110. "Sarah Palin®" and "Bristol Palin®." (50 replies)
  111. Why the Black Panther Case matters (37 replies)
  112. Sean Hannity... (6 replies)
  113. Free Internet Porn is not illegal (17 replies)
  114. Egypt: ABC News Reporter threatened w/ beheading (27 replies)
  115. Creationists are not alone in this world... (7 replies)
  116. In N Out Burger Rules…. (20 replies)
  117. Study says college isn’t for everyone (17 replies)
  118. What if we relocate Israel to Montana??? (119 replies)
  119. Porn for Bibles (7 replies)
  120. While We Are Firing Teachers (29 replies)
  121. Bill O'Reilly gives his "premium" members an insightful treat! (234 replies)
  122. Deficit hawkery as farce: GOP proposals (13 replies)
  123. So, Where Are The Repugs' Legislative Stuff for the Economy (42 replies)
  124. GA vs TX: Franklin vs Gohmert (3 replies)
  125. The Real Death Panels (13 replies)
  126. WikiLeaks: FBI hunts the 9/11 gang that got away (37 replies)
  127. Guess who predicted the Obamacare ruling (26 replies)
  128. Bush Endorses Gay Marriage in New York (3 replies)
  129. Is Internet Access A Human Right? (190 replies)
  130. Bill would require all S.D. citizens to buy a gun (26 replies)
  131. Clinton convenes mass meeting of US ambassadors (0 replies)
  132. Mad Meat Making Scientist Proves Climate Doomsayers Wrong (118 replies)
  133. Taxes, justice and coercion (4 replies)
  134. VRWC meeting protected by stimulus-funded police (1 replies)
  135. Despite China's might, US factories maintain edge (12 replies)
  136. Ayn Rand in her own words: parasite, looter, moocher (24 replies)
  137. A decade remembered (9 replies)
  138. Chinese Air Force Flexing their Muscles (6 replies)
  139. Obama's gun control push coming within two weeks (6 replies)
  140. The Art of War - Egyptian Uprising (317 replies)
  141. More Smart Diplomacy (11 replies)
  142. Maybe Obama, Biden, and... (6 replies)
  143. Chris Matthews vs. Sal Russo defending Michele Bachmann... (9 replies)
  144. Kucinich sues cafeteria over olive pit in sandwich (119 replies)
  145. Hawaii Governor Admits No Birth Record Exists For Obama In Hawaii (108 replies)
  146. $1.5Tr 2011 deficit (22 replies)
  147. CBO: Social Security to run permanent deficits (22 replies)
  148. Without the pat-down (27 replies)
  149. The Last Few Republican Responses Have Been Disasters (10 replies)
  150. State of the Union Address (15 replies)
  151. Michele Bachmann...do you support her??? (45 replies)
  152. Even ultra-conservative Scalia to the right of Gohmert and Tenthers (2 replies)
  153. Israel turns out to be disingenuous peace partner (7 replies)
  154. Obamacare ..State of the Union (35 replies)
  155. Jesse Ventura suing over body scans, pat downs (15 replies)
  156. Future prediction (28 replies)
  157. 'The stock market is for suckers' (24 replies)
  158. How Do Pro-Lifers Explain This "Abortion" (0 replies)
  159. What Ever Happen To? (9 replies)
  160. Reminder: Rick Perry wants to keep government out of your medical affairs......... (140 replies)
  161. States moving to state banks like BND (21 replies)
  162. Suicide bomber kills 35+, wounds 130+ in Russian airport (48 replies)
  163. Where all my Birther Brothers At? (21 replies)
  164. Glenn Greenwald: Obama officials caught deceiving about Wikileaks (2 replies)
  165. USDA Admits role in large bird kill (14 replies)
  166. Extreme SCOTUS activist Repug judge filed false IRS declaration (13 replies)
  167. Governors Assoc: Michelle Obama’s ‘Get Moving’ Program Linked To Pedestrian Deaths (9 replies)
  168. Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film? (6 replies)
  169. Ryan’s Roadmap Loses $2 Trillion In Revenue, 90% Of Americans Would Pay Higher Taxes (38 replies)
  170. Commodity prices and global growth (9 replies)
  171. Lt Col Allen West (32 replies)
  172. 5 Factors Necessary for Cutting Coal Use in Half (7 replies)
  173. Tests for the Tea Party - Part 1: Crop Subsidies (39 replies)
  174. NYTimes: Lack of Transmission Lines Is Restricting Wind Power (153 replies)
  175. 54 percent and 79 percent of the money in the stimulus bill’s key wind energy program (4 replies)
  176. Rush Limbaugh mocks Chinese President (104 replies)
  177. Australia settles rendition claim (7 replies)
  178. Charles Glass:On Guarding the Public’s Right to Ignorance (3 replies)
  179. I guess the Pima County Attorney's office... (7 replies)
  180. More intelligent and influential: Snooki Polizzi or Sarah Palin? (5 replies)
  181. Good Times! (11 replies)
  182. Palinoia, the Destroyer (13 replies)
  183. Another Irony Alert (26 replies)
  184. Rush Limbaugh makes an observation... (1 replies)
  185. The 50 Most Loathsome Americans of 2010 (0 replies)
  186. House GOP lists $2.5 Trillion in spending cuts... (39 replies)
  187. Another nail in American coffin: Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China (1 replies)
  188. NYT: Sec'y Gates to lift ban on Gitmo tribunals (52 replies)
  189. Illinois tax increase. (10 replies)
  190. CNN apologizes for inciting violence... (17 replies)
  191. Identity Politics getting ugly in Chicago... (2 replies)
  192. Another hero emerges... (7 replies)
  193. In what the media used to call a bipartisan... (21 replies)
  194. Birthers get a late Christmas... (9 replies)
  195. Spartan budget plan calls for broad cuts (89 replies)
  196. The new civility... (91 replies)
  197. C'mon Mr. President, throw us a bone... (45 replies)
  198. I want to be your brother! (1 replies)
  199. Some Pima County residents appear to be pissed... (23 replies)
  200. Left-wingers bombing MLK parade? (22 replies)
  201. Want to talk about someone who has... (21 replies)
  202. Should this company change their logo (10 replies)
  203. Okay, color me impressed... (32 replies)
  204. Religion of Peace strikes again... (55 replies)
  205. FACT CHECK: Shaky health care job loss estimate (60 replies)
  206. How Dare You, Sarah Palin! (73 replies)
  207. Parker... What are they Spraying? (0 replies)
  208. Congressional Elitist Statement of the Week (4 replies)
  209. Can't wait to see if... (4 replies)
  210. Poll: Was Right-Wing Political Rhetoric... (45 replies)
  211. i don't give a damn... (10 replies)
  212. Dog for sale (31 replies)
  213. I sure am glad Kuwait is grateful for us rescuing them... (20 replies)
  214. New RNC Chair Wants You to Execute Obama (10 replies)
  215. Easy Rider in Bizarro World (0 replies)
  216. And, the award for the most hypocritical... (33 replies)
  217. Wow..the shooter was frigging crazy....Sad it got political (3 replies)
  218. We wouldn't be in this mess... (91 replies)
  219. Patriot Act Up For Renewal, Nobody Notices (61 replies)
  220. Will The Repugs Do It? Big Bank Bailout Redux (0 replies)
  221. Blame righty (47 replies)
  222. News Break: Michael Steele will not be RNC Chairman... (93 replies)
  223. Wikileaks help bring down a dictator: Tunisia (9 replies)
  224. I qualify for WIC... am I poor, or is WIC too generous? (58 replies)
  225. More Tea bagger silliness and Pravda history (0 replies)
  226. Just for fun... (2 replies)
  227. Attempt by Ron Paul operative to deflect from his belief in chemtrails backfires (7 replies)
  228. Affirmative Action Explained (42 replies)
  229. This is why I love Southwest Airlines (5 replies)
  230. This is hilarious... (3 replies)
  231. What will the left's plea be? (5 replies)
  232. Obama's abandonment of the loony left is... (55 replies)
  233. Attempt by Obama Operatives to Turn Memorial Into Political Rally Backfires (16 replies)
  234. Rand Paul's Voice of Reason. (46 replies)
  235. What If His Name Had Been Jaafar La'eeq Muhammed... (21 replies)
  236. Leading liberal murdered for his views (49 replies)
  237. Dr. Robert Paul for US Senate in Texas? (VIDEO) (14 replies)
  238. Man arrested after threats to Rep. Jim McDermott (15 replies)
  239. When an ideology really kills... (18 replies)
  240. Well, this would be a shame. (36 replies)
  241. YouTube removed it but,... (22 replies)
  242. Props to President Obama... (50 replies)
  243. He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio (43 replies)
  244. The Torture of PFC Bradley Manning (102 replies)
  245. The Extreme Rhetoric about Extreme Rhetoric (2 replies)
  246. Sarah Palin finally responds... (118 replies)
  247. Snow in 49 states right now (105 replies)
  248. What left-wing hate and vitriol? (26 replies)
  249. Obama wakes up and wonders,... (5 replies)
  250. BBC wisens up. (3 replies)