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  1. A lingering question about the first debate. (14 replies)
  2. Handy Guide To Halliburton For The "Debate" Tonight! (45 replies)
  3. Security Moms Should Look Closely at Bush (4 replies)
  4. Now, it's an "intergalactic" test... (6 replies)
  5. Bush and the Bobble Heads (0 replies)
  6. Kerry pic help. (4 replies)
  7. It's Obvious the Iraqis Hate Us (12 replies)
  8. Edwards: Voters for Bush have Lost Mind (10 replies)
  9. Allawi: Peace Deal Reached With Al-Sadr (7 replies)
  10. Paul Bremer Plays the Ooops Card, Criticizes War Plan (2 replies)
  11. Score another for the pajama... (0 replies)
  12. Rumsfeld Flip-Flops On Iraq-Al Queda Connection (3 replies)
  13. W. Tapped Chirac's Phone (4 replies)
  14. Bush Camp Rattled By Kerry Surge (9 replies)
  15. N Korea’s computer hackers target South and US (0 replies)
  16. The New Soldier (1 replies)
  17. More than 180 million former (75 replies)
  18. After First Debate, Bush Still Leads Kerry (4 replies)
  19. More Than 180 Former Demo and Repug Ambassadors Endorse John Kerry (Unprecedented) (7 replies)
  20. Michael Moore On Killian Memos: I Was Offered Them And Turned Them Down (0 replies)
  21. Pew: Kerry Wins Debate, But Little Change in Candidate Images (3 replies)
  22. In anticipation of a Kerry victory,... (27 replies)
  23. Kerry being helped by Libertarian Party? (7 replies)
  24. Kerry's Solution for Iran (Nukes) (2 replies)
  25. Forget Poland (3 replies)
  26. Report: Iraq Docs show Saddam Possessed WMD, Had Extensive Terror Ties (40 replies)
  27. John Forbes Kerry... (2 replies)
  28. Closing the gap... (9 replies)
  29. Networks Propose Presidential Decathlon (1 replies)
  30. Sunday Times: Saddam ‘bought UN allies’ with oil (33 replies)
  31. NYT: France Joins Spain to Catch Pair Suspected of Terrorism (0 replies)
  32. What a freakin' loser! (11 replies)
  33. NYT: Freidman: Iraq: Politics or Policy? (0 replies)
  34. NYT: Now on DVD: The Passion of the Bush (3 replies)
  35. See if you can pass the "global test"... (0 replies)
  36. Debates: How John Kerry Won the Nomination (3 replies)
  37. John Kerry Agrees With You! (0 replies)
  38. Anyone considering a 3rd party candidate? (12 replies)
  39. Newsweek Poll: Kerry back in the lead (9 replies)
  40. NYT: Skewed Intelligence Data in March to War in Iraq (LONG) (25 replies)
  41. Crockodile Tears (0 replies)
  42. More News On the 2005 Draft You Need to Know If You are 18-25 (38 replies)
  43. vBookie and Battle Blogs (20 replies)
  44. W Put Tax Cuts For Rich Over Protecting The Homeland (14 replies)
  45. Putting Kerry to His “Global Test” (24 replies)
  46. 3 Nations Reportedly Slowed Probe of Oil Sales (7 replies)
  47. Staying On Message At the Debate (0 replies)
  48. Fox News Posts Fake Document On It's Site (6 replies)
  49. The company they keep... (1 replies)
  50. Next President Could Get to Reshape High Court (8 replies)
  51. AggieHoopsFan! (0 replies)
  52. OK, Ralph Nadar Is Officially A LOOOOOSSSSEEEEERRRRRRRR! (6 replies)
  53. Here you are bitches.... (4 replies)
  54. Even High School Band Disses W (2 replies)
  55. Kerry Won! (28 replies)
  56. 1st round goes to W. (39 replies)
  57. NbaDan....... (8 replies)
  58. The 2nd "WTF?!" Moment of the Debate (2 replies)
  59. The 1st "WTF?!" Moment of the Debate (0 replies)
  60. Transcript of Presidential Debate #1 (15 replies)
  61. ABC News Posted AP Report On Presidential Debate 5 hours Before it Started!" (2 replies)
  62. Kadhafi: "Wise Man Bill Clinton Should Help To Settle World Conflicts" (1 replies)
  63. Scalia: "Orgies Ease Social Tension, Should be Encouraged" (0 replies)
  64. George W. Bush: "I Resign" (0 replies)
  65. Marine Potty Talk (2 replies)
  66. Gallup Phone Poll: Kerry 53% W 37% (32 replies)
  67. Kerry Lied Again (7 replies)
  68. Satire (3 replies)
  69. Okay, who needs a deer retreiver? (7 replies)
  70. Hey, Kori! (7 replies)
  71. Ok...who won it? (39 replies)
  72. Bush you dumbass...nobodies gonna ban gay marriage... (1 replies)
  73. Kerry's Big Contradiction (Iraq & NK) (5 replies)
  74. Kerry would double the size of special forces (17 replies)
  75. Okay, this new forum... (6 replies)
  76. This Just In: Cold War (from Kerry) (0 replies)
  77. Kerry's Flip Flop (2 replies)
  78. Did you hear about the massacre... (35 replies)
  79. Bush played the Poland card (57 replies)
  80. Of course we're after Saddam- I mean Osama (1 replies)
  81. Where did....... (3 replies)
  82. A manicure??? (16 replies)
  83. State Poll Index (2 replies)
  84. Prepare to nail your 95 pairs of pajamas... (1 replies)
  85. Democratic Strategy (1 replies)
  86. 35 Kids dead: What Will NBADan's friends do Next? (4 replies)
  87. Scare tactics (7 replies)
  88. Advice for your Candidate: John Kerry (4 replies)
  89. Advice For Your Candidate: George Bush (5 replies)
  90. Kerry: Bush 'a clever debater' (1 replies)
  91. Blair on Iraq (0 replies)
  92. Buckley: Killer Debate Ahead (1 replies)
  93. Electoral Carnage (0 replies)
  94. Despite New Charges, Democrats Still Lead In Low-Blow Dept. (12 replies)
  95. Can't Buy Them Or Bump Them Off? Just Shut them Down (2 replies)
  96. Transfer in progress ... (0 replies)
  97. Creating a New Army of Patriots (16 replies)
  98. Time to face the music Mikey (0 replies)
  99. DieBold E-Voting Machines Found Along Maryland Road and Bar (1 replies)
  100. Leaks Spread As C.I.A. Grows Weary Of Iraq War (12 replies)
  101. Please Read: Moving on up (0 replies)
  102. Please Read: Moving on up (3 replies)
  103. FactCheck - Twisting Kerry's record (8 replies)
  104. FactCheck - Kerry hasn't flip-flopped about Iraq War (8 replies)
  105. Fox News beats all rivals (combined) (9 replies)
  106. So, with what will Kerry be contending tomorrow night? (5 replies)
  107. CBS Promotes Draft Hoax (0 replies)
  108. Dolphins following Kerry around on his campaign tour (0 replies)
  109. (Please Read) New State/National Poll Index Forum (2 replies)
  110. CNN-Gallup Presidential Opinion Polls Unfairly Favor W (4 replies)
  111. 18-30 Year Old Voters Overwhelmingly for Kerry (18 replies)
  112. Syria brokers secret deal (9 replies)
  113. A DOWN HOME MESSAGE FOR DAN (4 replies)
  114. IT IS SOOO CONFUSING!! (4 replies)
  115. JOHN KERRY DOES IT AGAIN (3 replies)
  116. DOES THIS HATE HONOR AMERICA? (7 replies)
  119. A Blank Resume (3 replies)
  120. Nothin' quite like pissin' off the homies... (6 replies)
  121. John Kerry's War Plan (11 replies)
  122. CBS Tries to Clear Up Future of 'Evening News' (0 replies)
  123. GOP Pays Off for Traitorous Zell Miller (8 replies)
  124. Cat Stevens Evil Terrorist? (12 replies)
  125. President Bush's presidential debate preparation kit.. (20 replies)
  126. Holy Everlasting Gobstoppers, Batman! (31 replies)
  127. Senator Kerry, please kick some ass! (9 replies)
  128. Christian Science Monitor/TIPP poll: Kerry 46 - W. 45 (6 replies)
  129. Jon Stewart Vs Bill O'Reilly Viewers (4 replies)
  130. LOL! Crawford Newspaper endorses Kerry (14 replies)
  131. Karl Rove In A Corner (3 replies)
  132. I must face the fact that.... (18 replies)
  133. Register To Vote! Only 4 Days Left in Texas! (4 replies)
  134. What the Hell is Wrong With Glenbeck? (4 replies)
  135. Cowboy logic....or..How I earn a living (1 replies)
  136. Gallup Poll: Rather, CBS News Made Honest Mistake (2 replies)
  137. Candidates attack each other on subject of attack ads (2 replies)
  138. Flirting With Disaster (7 replies)
  139. NYT: Controversial Reports Become Accepted Wisdom (1 replies)
  140. John Forbes... (2 replies)
  141. This man... (11 replies)
  142. Lies Damn Lies and Voting (0 replies)
  143. Palestinian Gunmen Kidnap CNN Producer (7 replies)
  144. The Bushiveks Take On The French (4 replies)
  145. Demos for Gun Control: Find a New Candidate (1 replies)
  146. Dan's Supply Gets Cut Off (6 replies)
  147. W's Welfare States (1 replies)
  148. The Media's Guide To The Debates (3 replies)
  149. Musharraf: Bin Laden Alive! (10 replies)
  150. Key Assertions By W. (Allawi) about Iraq in Dispute (0 replies)
  151. Follow the Money: Halliburton's Pre-911 Stock Moves (2 replies)
  152. Keyes brought up the subject himself... (1 replies)
  153. Were we misled? (1 replies)
  154. Kerry, Bush Start Debate Preparations (2 replies)
  155. This is a smart Marine (8 replies)
  156. MoveOn.org: Bush is responsible for Fl. Hurricanes,Go kerry! (0 replies)
  157. Inside The Presidential Debate Strategies (0 replies)
  158. Weapon-less Reserve Unit Activated For Iraq (0 replies)
  159. W Would Do "Mission Accomplished" All Over Again! (10 replies)
  160. If America is safer with Saddam Hussein captured (17 replies)
  161. Bush knows the real problem (0 replies)
  162. Pravda On The Potomac (0 replies)
  163. CBS Whipped into Submission (1 replies)
  164. Alabama Getaway (0 replies)
  165. No Place To Run, No Place To Hide In Iraq (1 replies)
  166. Sunday Toons (16 replies)
  167. A small, thuggish, graceless man... (0 replies)
  168. Who was Lucy Ramirez? The 'Buckhead' - Stone Connection (5 replies)
  169. Yet Another Swifty Discredited (0 replies)
  170. 30 W. Flip-Flops Right-Wingers Forget to Mention... (7 replies)
  171. Right-Wing Google (2 replies)
  172. Did W. Lie? (2 replies)
  173. So simple a monkey could do it (4 replies)
  174. US sends a big fat fuck you to Iran! (18 replies)
  175. Just a question (1 replies)
  176. I Know, I know (8 replies)
  177. Fear Of Flying Ended W's Air Guard Career (4 replies)
  178. Where's Waldo? (Or, is John Kerry even capable... (13 replies)
  179. CBS Boss Endorses W (4 replies)
  180. Delaware polling (0 replies)
  181. CNN survey: Bush widens lead in Electoral College (35 replies)
  182. Previous nuance (16 replies)
  183. Who knew a pro wrestler could be so smart (1 replies)
  184. Speaking of Forged Documents... (0 replies)
  185. May the coward be found and may he rot in H..... (8 replies)
  186. Why not MANDATORY voting? (28 replies)
  187. Kerry Passes Americans with No Abilities Act (4 replies)
  188. LMAO II (3 replies)
  189. Iraqi Scientist Cautions About Nukes (3 replies)
  190. Bush and coke, more to come (22 replies)
  191. Black Gay Republicans (4 replies)
  192. Stations Get E-Mails to Oust Dan Rather (1 replies)
  193. Now heres a reason to vote (1 replies)
  194. Congress does more bullshit with the pledge of allegiance (12 replies)
  195. Thanks, Dan: Gallup Finds Trust in Media at New Low (10 replies)
  196. AP: Kerry Pulls Campaign Ads From Four States (20 replies)
  197. So, where does Kerry get his information? (17 replies)
  198. State Dept. Website - Countries Where Al Qaida Has Operated (2 replies)
  199. Fonts 2004 (2 replies)
  200. For you Manny (24 replies)
  201. Worth a look (5 replies)
  202. LMAO! (2 replies)
  203. Bush's medicare failures (3 replies)
  204. Tony Blair MAY be impeached over Iraq (0 replies)
  205. North Korea planning missile test (44 replies)
  206. British hostage begging for his life (3 replies)
  207. My kind of Marine (0 replies)
  208. America the Beautiful..... (5 replies)
  209. Et Tu Fox? (50 replies)
  210. Bush to Troops: "NO F*****G, You Godless Whiners!!! (9 replies)
  211. ZOGBY: Race Falls Back Into Dead Heat (16 replies)
  212. Iranian Justice (2 replies)
  213. Let's look at John Forbe's latest... (4 replies)
  214. Football Fans for Truth (3 replies)
  215. From a Marine Corp Colonel... (1 replies)
  216. Homeland Security protecting our borders (6 replies)
  217. Education: Think Before You Decide on Nov. 2 (11 replies)
  218. Hmmm, this is interesting. (6 replies)
  219. The end is near (13 replies)
  220. Ballots or Briefs? (0 replies)
  221. Where are the Alleged Iraqi Mass Graves? (18 replies)
  222. The War's Toll on Iraqi Civilians (0 replies)
  223. Manny(NBA Dan too)...(Graphic) (3 replies)
  224. Where's the liberal free speech outrage? (4 replies)
  225. A Wasted Opportunity (4 replies)
  226. So much for dissention in the... (0 replies)
  227. Damn, I got my Press Conference scheduled before... (0 replies)
  228. This will probably clinch the vote for Bush with any... (31 replies)
  229. It starts... (0 replies)
  230. Here's the problem with saying we're losing... (11 replies)
  231. Was There GOP Involvement In Rather Memos? (25 replies)
  232. General Tommy Franks responds to Kerry's latest... (7 replies)
  233. Like to call a Friend, Poll audience or eliminate 2 choices? (5 replies)
  234. Burkett to Sue CBS? (1 replies)
  235. NYT: Confronting Iran Over A-Bomb (16 replies)
  236. War on RadIslam (3 replies)
  237. President Speaks to the United Nations General Assembly (1 replies)
  238. Anyone else catch Kerry on the Letterman show? (4 replies)
  239. Ashcroft: 0 for 5,000 (4 replies)
  240. NYT: Alllawi the last deception. (5 replies)
  241. This article contains an interesting... (3 replies)
  242. God says what??? (21 replies)
  243. Then... (0 replies)
  244. Why are we in Iraq? Why have we forgotten about... (30 replies)
  245. Top 10 Dan Rather Folksy Texas Sayings About What Went Wrong (1 replies)
  246. Well, well, well... (31 replies)
  247. For those of you who have the stomach... (2 replies)
  248. Okay, seriously...to avoid another flip-flopping charge... (0 replies)
  249. South Carolina polling (0 replies)
  250. AP: Kerry Says He Wouldn't Have Ousted Saddam (49 replies)