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  1. sons who is this Fox News broad? (9 replies)
  2. Former Gov. Tom Kean says Christie is rethinking presidential bid (46 replies)
  3. thanks for calling the white house, may I take your order? (41 replies)
  4. Obama Lies about the ‘Do-Nothing Congress’ (21 replies)
  5. Scientists Disarm AIDS Virus’ Attack on Immune System (23 replies)
  6. White America's Double Standard (0 replies)
  7. Looks like We've Finally Found A Way To Make War More Unattractive (1 replies)
  8. President Cain? (96 replies)
  9. What happened to this... (70 replies)
  10. Walker's Days Numbered (2 replies)
  11. Carl Lewis eliminated from the ballot (13 replies)
  12. Scientists Reconstruct Brains’ Visions Into Digital Video In Historic Experiment (15 replies)
  13. Larry Flynt offerring $1 million for Rick Perry info (15 replies)
  14. FACT CHECK: Slippery assertions in GOP debate (10 replies)
  15. Biggest boos in GOP debate reserved for gay soldier in Iraq (132 replies)
  16. Why isn't there a thread in this forum about Palin's love for mandingo? (35 replies)
  17. Pakistan’s Spy Agency Is Tied to Attack on U.S. Embassy (2 replies)
  18. Can you buy health insurance out of state? (30 replies)
  19. Good for him! (25 replies)
  20. Mexico still waiting for answers on Fast and Furious gun program (0 replies)
  21. Solyndra employees: Company suffered from mismanagement, heavy spending (1 replies)
  22. CERN breaks the speed of light? (110 replies)
  23. Fraud case targets grants awarded by President Obama’s friend (1 replies)
  24. The Attack on Accidental Americans (1 replies)
  25. The party of No said No to itself (57 replies)
  26. Rick Santorum pissed about google search results (22 replies)
  27. face it!............Nbadan rules this place... (2 replies)
  28. The 99% Face Off Wall Street (32 replies)
  29. California Couple Fined $300 for Violating Zoning Code (7 replies)
  30. Christian fourth grade textbook, tries to explain electricity but just gives up (39 replies)
  31. The Troy Davis Murder (47 replies)
  32. The Invisible GOP issue (25 replies)
  33. Perry comes out swinging. (40 replies)
  34. $16 muffins tax payers buy plus $8 coffees (15 replies)
  35. I know and y'all know, I don't like... (32 replies)
  36. LMAO Obama waves in group photo at UN yesterday...... (43 replies)
  37. Funny how real important... (81 replies)
  38. FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries? (187 replies)
  39. I just swipe my EBT (21 replies)
  40. Secret recordings raise new questions in ATF 'Gunwalker' operation (0 replies)
  41. Billionaire Backer Disputes Charges That Company Sought White House Help to Influence (0 replies)
  42. CBC: If Obama wasn't president, we'd be marching on the WH (17 replies)
  43. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repeal Occurs Today (133 replies)
  44. Therapy-boosting nanoparticles enter trials (6 replies)
  45. Questions on military and capitalism (16 replies)
  46. So, the feminists threw... (23 replies)
  47. Happiness is ... (8 replies)
  48. Wealthy Americans Turning To Europe For Medical Treatment (39 replies)
  49. Ron Paul Money-bomb! (20 replies)
  50. Oops (248 replies)
  51. Uh oh... (19 replies)
  52. Which one will... (46 replies)
  53. 13 keys to the white house: Obama got re-election in the bag (109 replies)
  54. Rand Paul mocks Obama (6 replies)
  55. I throw this out there as a... (70 replies)
  56. The National Deficit (easily explained) (36 replies)
  57. AttackWatch.com (51 replies)
  58. POGO: Private contractors cost more than government employees doing comparable work (37 replies)
  59. Econ 101 Post Series: Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (30 replies)
  60. Haaretz:Turkey affirms intent to deploy NATO early-warning radar system (0 replies)
  61. at is the Repug response to future oil spills? (31 replies)
  62. Passenger: (states she) Was cuffed, searched over 'appearance' (3 replies)
  63. Tales of the Surveillance State: Lingering bio-break prompts fighter jet escort (1 replies)
  64. Torture: Still doesn't work (862 replies)
  65. Apple Bans Game App That Criticizes Smartphone Production (3 replies)
  66. Warren going after Brown's Seat (4 replies)
  67. Republicans take Weiner's seat (15 replies)
  68. CBO says stimulus created over 1 million jobs. (17 replies)
  69. Al Qaeda Weaker But Far From Done (subtext: we need $100Bs more) (0 replies)
  70. Bruce Bartlett: How to Raise Revenue Without Violating the Tax Pledge (5 replies)
  71. Eleanor Clift: Obama the silent tax cutter (8 replies)
  72. Rick Perry's pain is Mitt Romney's gain. (0 replies)
  73. The Tea Party and Ron Paul Cheer for the Uninsured to Die (207 replies)
  74. Krugman Shaming A Repug Man With No Shame (29 replies)
  75. Al Gore's 24-hr broadcast to convert climate change skeptics (9 replies)
  76. Don't F with TSA (5 replies)
  77. Ammo Missing From Fort Bragg (10 replies)
  78. insider trading before 9/11 (14 replies)
  79. Israelis Flee Cairo Embassy as Protesters Invade Offices (14 replies)
  80. Testing Welfare Moms is stupid (10 replies)
  81. One of the President's core... (178 replies)
  82. Climate Fools Day (10 replies)
  83. Snakeboy: I'm a Reagan conservative... (4 replies)
  84. Interesting take on Palin from the NYTimes (46 replies)
  85. Was 9/11 State Sponsored? (33 replies)
  86. Obama Team Feared Coup If He Prosecuted War Crimes (3 replies)
  87. San Diego, Yuma hit by major power outage millions out of power (0 replies)
  88. ObamaJobs: The Speech (179 replies)
  89. Perry's Ponzi Scheme (24 replies)
  90. Dick Cheney tells GOP candidates to watch their mouths. (7 replies)
  91. Revisiting the Texas Budget: Cuts to Forestry Service (1 replies)
  92. GOP Debate tonight, 09/07/11 (81 replies)
  93. ROBERT A. PAPE: The End of Fear, The Beginning of Understanding (84 replies)
  94. Nocera: The Last Moderate (Jim Cooper) (1 replies)
  95. The largest transfer of wealth from the public to private sector is about to begin (16 replies)
  96. How weak housing prices are hiding the real rate of inflation (48 replies)
  97. Police assisted Apple in search of man's home (16 replies)
  98. Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult (21 replies)
  99. Econ 101 Post Series: Labor is not Fungible (20 replies)
  100. Libertarian Environmental policy (40 replies)
  101. New nanotech application discovered in optics (1 replies)
  102. Onboard LAN controller problem. Please Help (11 replies)
  103. Dismal Jobs Report Puts Policy Makers on the Spot (53 replies)
  104. Failed Gun Sting... all the way to Obama? (42 replies)
  105. Blacks being killed in mass by Lybian rebels (35 replies)
  106. As predicted: Repug/tea bagger frosh same ol' same ol' (0 replies)
  107. Tales of the Surveillance state: Is Painting a crime? (22 replies)
  108. man exposes Scientist lying in the text books and gets run off the radio. (318 replies)
  109. The mythical benefits of tort reform in Texas (4 replies)
  110. The mythical benefits of tort reform in Texas (46 replies)
  111. Libya: after the war, the oil scramble (21 replies)
  112. Dem Gifford's local GOP raffles a Glock (26 replies)
  113. Kids lose "bad mother" lawsuit (8 replies)
  114. Scenes from the World's Factory - Pollution In China (74 replies)
  115. Ron Paul's Teachin's: A Must Listen (6 replies)
  116. Christie: Don't Delay Hurricane Irene Disaster Aid Over Federal Spending Cuts (31 replies)
  117. Justice Dept. Files Antitrust Complaint Against AT&T and T-Mobile Merger (4 replies)
  118. China had unit 731, USA had Guatemala (25 replies)
  119. USA wasnt always such a push over one illegals from mexico (59 replies)
  120. Obama's Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession (19 replies)
  121. What happened to Christine O'Donnell (12 replies)
  122. Is Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Unconstitutional? (203 replies)
  123. BBC: US 'wasted $30bn on Afghanistan and Iraq' over decade (13 replies)
  124. UK Atomic Clock is the most accurate in the world (8 replies)
  125. The Decade's Biggest Scam (16 replies)
  126. Absurd CNN coverage of Hurricane Irene (27 replies)
  127. Obama picks labor expert Krueger as top economist (9 replies)
  128. Ind. vouchers prompt thousands to change schools (8 replies)
  129. Michele Bachmann (47 replies)
  130. This cannot be good (3 replies)
  131. Plenty of democrats are religious (14 replies)
  132. Barry will cut deficit in half in his first term (10 replies)
  133. Joe Biden slammed for 1 child comment (44 replies)
  134. Bloomberg Bans Religion at 9/11 Ceremony (28 replies)
  135. Stabilize the Debt/Balance the Budget Games (8 replies)
  136. Polar Bear scientist reinstated (15 replies)
  137. Glad to see the justice department has time to go after hardcore criminals like Gibso (70 replies)
  138. More awesomeness from Pat Robertson (12 replies)
  139. It's Time People: Calling on Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, Asians, and Indians (1 replies)
  140. Message To You Religious Right Nuts (2 replies)
  141. I think we can put to rest the BS that the Civil War was about state's rights. (90 replies)
  142. Rick Perry's State Trooper Video (5 replies)
  143. Obama approval hits all-time low of 38% (33 replies)
  144. Unscientific Analysis - Unsurprising Result (8 replies)
  145. McCain criticisms of Obama (7 replies)
  146. hempfest (16 replies)
  147. Kinky Friedman for Perry (12 replies)
  148. I would support this Obama proposal (36 replies)
  149. Google Reaches $500 Million Settlement With Feds (7 replies)
  150. More Schools Go To 4-Day Week To Cut Costs (79 replies)
  151. Obama gets it, why don't you liberals? (33 replies)
  152. Ok who is to blame for this? (36 replies)
  153. Lib talking heads keep playing race card (22 replies)
  154. Govt-hating GOP Governor Loves Federal Heating Subsidies (3 replies)
  155. Earthquake in NJ (34 replies)
  156. Dem Congresswoman Blames... (15 replies)
  157. Obama has set a new record (20 replies)
  158. Why Is President Obama So Anxious to Cut Social Security? (13 replies)
  159. Al Sharpton (27 replies)
  160. The myth of the extraordinary teacher (4 replies)
  161. NASA picks three technologies for deep space travel (0 replies)
  162. USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable? (59 replies)
  163. When Schools Are The Police (46 replies)
  164. Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2T in Loans (44 replies)
  165. simple question (10 replies)
  166. Iran sentences 2 American men to 8 years in jail (48 replies)
  167. US judges rule for teacher who called creationism 'superstitious nonsense' (171 replies)
  168. New Mexico hero who saved girl says he's in United States illegally (50 replies)
  169. US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024 (1 replies)
  170. Finger pointing at President Obama on economy illustrates ignorance (3 replies)
  171. Perry's Closet Full of Bones? (311 replies)
  172. A Tale of two Michelle (11 replies)
  173. Paul Ryan should run (5 replies)
  174. US Ratings agencies are complete BS (5 replies)
  175. NASA - Aliens may destroy humanity (17 replies)
  176. Symptoms of the Bush-Obama Presidency, George W. Obama? (92 replies)
  177. Ron Pauls 15 minutes are up (Mother Jones Blog) (14 replies)
  178. Garafalo: Herman Cain being paid or has Stockholm Syndrome (42 replies)
  179. Perry Recieves Major Endorsement (11 replies)
  180. LOL "Call the USDA" (33 replies)
  181. Chris Christie won't be running for POTUS. (31 replies)
  182. The Black Caucus and,... (10 replies)
  183. Obama's $1.1 million dollar luxury "jobs" bus partly made in Canada (61 replies)
  184. Probably an accident... (5 replies)
  185. Lesson From Europe (Take 2) (9 replies)
  186. Tea party less popular than atheists and Muslims (4 replies)
  187. Delicious conservative hypocrisy (94 replies)
  188. Government spending: real? or fake? (4 replies)
  189. The Official 2nd dotcom bubble thread (24 replies)
  190. Iraq, the forgotten war (26 replies)
  191. A Basic Lesson on our Central Banking System (7 replies)
  192. Merkel, Sarkozy propose eurozone government (3 replies)
  193. Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands (10 replies)
  194. RIP: The Texas Economy is Overrated Myth (45 replies)
  195. Jon Stewart on Ron Paul Media Blackout (25 replies)
  196. Rasmussen has Perry killing Romney, Bachmann (91 replies)
  197. Artificial libertarian islands (10 replies)
  198. A shot across the bow (4 replies)
  199. Ron Paul's plan for a Brighter Tomorrow (4 replies)
  200. Military still looking at switching to 401K for retirement (4 replies)
  201. Gov. Perry on specialized plates and the Confederate flag. (21 replies)
  202. Music Copyright War Looming (16 replies)
  203. Pakistan Lets China View US Stealth Technology (8 replies)
  204. More Over-Your-Head Talk About the Fed (2 replies)
  205. Is Bachman the conservative Obama? (12 replies)
  206. Neocons Take Aim at Ron Paul (43 replies)
  207. MSNBC Anchor's Epic Rant On America's Debt & Fractured Political System (13 replies)
  208. Krugman: Space alien attack would stimulate economy (4 replies)
  209. 'Multiverse' theory suggested by microwave background (19 replies)
  210. Bachman says she doesn't judge gays...she just hates them. (47 replies)
  211. Rick Perry's debt bomb (132 replies)
  212. Stop Coddling the Super-Rich (25 replies)
  213. WaPo: Verizon Says It Turned Over Data Without Court Orders (2 replies)
  214. Scientists Trace Heat Wave To Massive Star At Center Of Solar System (6 replies)
  215. Most votes ever at the Iowa Straw Poll (RON PAUL 4th) (20 replies)
  216. San Francisco transit blocks cellphones to hinder protest (16 replies)
  217. Rick Perry officially launched presidential bid... (52 replies)
  218. Healthcare mandate getting closer to SCOTUS (18 replies)
  219. American Idiocracy: The cost of the tea party revolution (56 replies)
  220. One Honored Obama Campaign Promise Could Help Slash Jobs Deficit (0 replies)
  221. Pentagon unable to account for trillions of dollars (36 replies)
  222. I'm sure this has been discussed... (156 replies)
  223. So...no one else watched the Republican debate last night? (74 replies)
  224. Cancer cured by HIV (50 replies)
  225. Barry's stimulus worked: Holtz-Eakin Joins the Recovery Act Champions (31 replies)
  226. Why Rick Perry is Headed to the White House (CNN) (89 replies)
  227. WSJ: (Dem) Government Knew About Bacteria in Turkey (1 replies)
  228. Fox Repug Propaganda network: climate science (140 replies)
  229. U.S. Republicans name anti-taxers to debt panel (52 replies)
  230. And now a word from The Onion... (13 replies)
  231. Who would get a better final grade in Shakespeare 101 (2 replies)
  232. I blame prejudice! (13 replies)
  233. Rick Perry's impressive college transcript (287 replies)
  234. 3rd night of rioting in England (165 replies)
  235. Hey Everybody! (22 replies)
  236. Neil deGrasse Tyson will host a 13-episode sequel to Carl Sagan's Cosmos in 2013. (9 replies)
  237. Is This a One Term Presidency? (68 replies)
  238. REPORT: Senate Banking Committee Probing S&P Downgrade of US Debt (6 replies)
  239. Military Retirement Pay Might Change (25 replies)
  240. Israel is pissed because of Nivea (15 replies)
  241. lol stock market (251 replies)
  242. Ignorance (71 replies)
  243. Greenspan: US Can Pay Any Debt It Has Because It Can Print Money To Pay It (VIDEO) (2 replies)
  244. College affirmative action back on Supreme Court’s horizon (24 replies)
  245. LMAO Texas bible thumpers (232 replies)
  246. US helicopter 'shot down' by Taliban in Afghanistan (16 replies)
  247. Who Rules America? An Investment Manager's view on the top 1% (77 replies)
  248. Convincing US states to require physics (51 replies)
  249. Scientists help make deserts into solar-energy hubs (33 replies)
  250. US Debt downgraded by Standard & Poor (282 replies)