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  1. Defunding Blackwater (29 replies)
  2. Bush Tax Cuts 2.5 Trillion, Obamacare 1 Trillion (42 replies)
  3. Barack Hussein Obama 1 Wingnuts 0 (17 replies)
  4. Sarah Palin Bad Mouths US Policy while on Foreign Soil (60 replies)
  5. Man with 0.00 blood alcohol level gets drunk driving ticket (12 replies)
  6. Fail. (2 replies)
  7. Illegal Immigrants/Steroid/MLB analogy.... (44 replies)
  8. Eliminate Party Titles (21 replies)
  9. How do you fix the GOP? (90 replies)
  10. Sure; THAT'S what all y'all voted for, right? (5 replies)
  11. Dems block GOP demand for more time (29 replies)
  12. Banks win round 1 in consumer fight (2 replies)
  13. Earn big bucks the NEA way (2 replies)
  14. Six Republican Senators Oppose Net Neutrality (93 replies)
  15. Glenn Beckkk (33 replies)
  16. ACORN Goes on Offensive (123 replies)
  17. Another rightwing terrorist attack (86 replies)
  18. Russia leader holds out prospect of Iran sanctions (3 replies)
  19. School kids taught to Praise Obama (64 replies)
  20. About that Arctic ice disappearance (28 replies)
  21. UN delegates celebrate after Obama speech (19 replies)
  22. Ralph Nader on Obama (25 replies)
  23. Critics Assail Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar, Say He's Wrong Man for the Job (38 replies)
  24. Does porn make you gay? (35 replies)
  25. Stepping on the First Amendment (124 replies)
  26. LOL! ESPN writer blasts Obama for several pages: (12 replies)
  27. AP laments decline of Obama youth (57 replies)
  28. Media conservatives are coming out to denounce Glenn Beck's "hatred" (20 replies)
  29. Sun Spots (20 replies)
  30. New USPS Stamp (17 replies)
  31. CBO on Crap & Trade: costs for the U.S. may exceed htthe benefits to the entire world (9 replies)
  32. When in doubt, ask the guy who SHOULD be prez... (10 replies)
  33. Ok. We have to out somebody. At least one Spurstalk poster is hiding something. (40 replies)
  34. More Troops into Afghanistan? (115 replies)
  35. FDIC may tap U.S. banks for funds: report (11 replies)
  36. Did anyone else have healthcare picketers near their work? (28 replies)
  37. We must abolish the white "race" (30 replies)
  38. Robert Gates: Overhaul the Pentagon (5 replies)
  39. Misplaced Fears About the 'Czars' (89 replies)
  40. Undeniable Truth - Fat people voted McCain, skinny people voted Obama (49 replies)
  41. President Obama's facebook feed. (2 replies)
  42. Big Dem Donor Nemazee Indicted In Alleged $292 Million Scheme (7 replies)
  43. Michelle Obama Reportedly Nixed Idea of Hillary Clinton for Veep (3 replies)
  44. Wife charged $170 for Swine Flu test. (41 replies)
  45. Obama Asks New York's Governor David Paterson To Withdraw From Race (17 replies)
  46. Tucson Schools Create Two Tier Discipline System (17 replies)
  47. Steve Keen vs. Larry Summers (9 replies)
  48. Obama dress. WTF? (11 replies)
  49. For the Republicans... enjoy! (0 replies)
  50. If I had to describe Bill O'Reilly in a phrase, it would be... (9 replies)
  51. You might be a racist if: (30 replies)
  52. Damning NYT article on Baucus Bill.... (25 replies)
  53. Criticism of Obama 'Not About Race,' Says New Poll of White People (8 replies)
  54. 3 clips from the radio premiere of LC 9/11: An American Coup are up! (5 replies)
  55. Palin emerges as Facebook phenom (13 replies)
  56. Worried that they're not conservatives anymore? (1 replies)
  57. Mark Steyn: Obama helping Putin restitch Iron Curtain (6 replies)
  58. Shattered Confidence In Europe (3 replies)
  59. Fox News Channel ads taunting rival networks draws return fire;CNN's Sanchez:'You li (66 replies)
  60. White House Fact Sheet on Missile Defense Raises More Questions Than It Answers (24 replies)
  61. Obama Putting Terr-ist in the Dirt! (4 replies)
  62. Who's Afraid of Sibel Edmonds? (142 replies)
  63. More GOP indoctrination in TX Schools (8 replies)
  64. What Obama is reading (23 replies)
  65. Mitt Not Anti-Gay Enough (27 replies)
  66. I think it's interesting... (77 replies)
  67. Where were Chris Matthews and Jimmy Carter in the last decade? (0 replies)
  68. Glenn Beck in the news this week (6 replies)
  69. Bill O'reilly supports the Public Option (22 replies)
  70. Massive Voter Fraud (3 replies)
  71. Freedom Works (and Head Tea-bagger) Dick Armey (3 replies)
  72. Rick Perry: What recession? (17 replies)
  73. Rick Perry: Thje most powerful governor in Texas History? (11 replies)
  74. California must go bankrupt (49 replies)
  75. Insolvent? -- FDIC may tap $500 billion line of credit with the US Treasury (7 replies)
  76. The Next Generation of Oklahoma Republicans (3 replies)
  77. Glenn Beck: Slavery alive and well in U.S. (11 replies)
  78. Nouriel Roubini: The Exit Strategy (55 replies)
  79. Iconography (6 replies)
  80. Wolf Blitzer absolutely destroyed on Jeopardy (5 replies)
  81. Big Sister Is Watching You (13 replies)
  82. Indentured Servitude (38 replies)
  83. Poles, Czechs: US missile defense shift a betrayal (154 replies)
  84. Obama's speech has a wng-nut (2 replies)
  85. Joe Wilson Was Right - Obama wants to give illegals amnesty (75 replies)
  86. I'm tired of talking just politics,... (60 replies)
  87. 300,000 (6 replies)
  88. More Wing-nuts going over the edge (2 replies)
  89. Obama : "Acorn will help shape my presidential agenda" (9 replies)
  90. What if ACORN was a conservative group. (60 replies)
  91. Limbaugh: We need segregated buses (111 replies)
  92. Stephen Colbert on Beck's "9/12 Project" (24 replies)
  93. Is bribing an elected official illegal? (5 replies)
  94. The Man Who Defused the 'Population Bomb' (104 replies)
  95. 9 billion + dollars missing in Iraq (29 replies)
  96. Nouriel Roubini:The Lehman Anniversary (3 replies)
  97. Glenn Greenwald: Acorn Hysteria Distracts (49 replies)
  98. Texas CCA Avoids Ruling on Former Colleague's Affair with Prosecutor in Capital Case (5 replies)
  99. Obama Kills Missile Defense Plan (61 replies)
  100. Yo teabaggers... (38 replies)
  101. Jon Stewart calls out media on ACORN (11 replies)
  102. VIDEO Of Obama Calling Kanye West A "Jackass" (33 replies)
  103. A Primer on the Max Baucus Health Bill - It really is good people, just read. (46 replies)
  104. Obama is a liar. There is no debate on this. (25 replies)
  105. About that claim that a majority of Doctors... (23 replies)
  106. Wall Street Still Hasn't Changed (0 replies)
  107. Besides Drudge and HuffingtonPost (37 replies)
  108. Here's yet another example of how Repugs do government (2 replies)
  109. If Obamacare is not passed, the planet is doomed (1 replies)
  110. Barack Obama is a racist. (2 replies)
  111. LA Times: The Baucus Bill (47 replies)
  112. U.S. about to hit debt ceiling - again (25 replies)
  113. Screw the insurance companies!!! (79 replies)
  114. 45% of doctors may quit under Obamacare (66 replies)
  115. Brought to you by FAUX News (73 replies)
  116. How socialized medicine saves... (54 replies)
  117. Obama to chair UN Security Council (11 replies)
  118. Maybe he should have skipped... (3 replies)
  119. President Carter says Wilson's outburst was of racism (87 replies)
  120. Disparate treatment (1 replies)
  121. Kenye West (5 replies)
  122. Sorry, I don't dig up threads... (19 replies)
  123. Enough with the race card FFS (34 replies)
  124. Race Riot on a School Bus! (18 replies)
  125. Interesting article on the health care debate (6 replies)
  126. Democrats, winning the hearts and minds of... (9 replies)
  127. Minayanville: The Myth of The Crisis (6 replies)
  128. Why We Won't Avoid a Double-Dip Recession (0 replies)
  129. "The recession is over" (43 replies)
  130. Reason: Health Care Reform -- where's the paying customer? (1 replies)
  131. reason: The Hunt for Criminality and Prosecutorial Discretion (6 replies)
  132. The Return of Protectionism (183 replies)
  133. Top Ayatollah Calls for Clerical Revolt (7 replies)
  134. Judge Rejects BofA/Merrill Settlement (10 replies)
  135. Senate votes to cut off ACORN funding (5 replies)
  136. Ooops! (3 replies)
  137. "Tea Party" Fabricates The Photo of The Event (60 replies)
  138. O Television and, we don't mean... (18 replies)
  139. Two things to consider... (0 replies)
  140. Okay environmentalists... (23 replies)
  141. A nation under... (21 replies)
  142. Good Article (12 replies)
  143. Glenn Greenwald: Who benefits from expanded government? (13 replies)
  144. Where is the propaganda? (29 replies)
  145. Venezuela to Develop Nuclear Energy With Russian Help (18 replies)
  146. The Atlantic: What the new Census Report means for the Bush economic legacy (22 replies)
  147. Disparities in opinion towards executives and union workers (13 replies)
  148. Yoni's thread detour (75 replies)
  149. Stiglitz says banking problems are now bigger than pre-Lehman (11 replies)
  150. Unfit for Print (5 replies)
  151. Now, there's two czars... (12 replies)
  152. The Washington Mall... (37 replies)
  153. Obama improving America's image around the world... (40 replies)
  154. Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America' (8 replies)
  155. This isn't a political... (48 replies)
  156. Color me... (2 replies)
  157. If he's lost Feinstein... (18 replies)
  158. No one is above the law, except... (113 replies)
  159. Sarah Palin (60 replies)
  160. How big was the DC tea party (114 replies)
  161. This forum section sucks the big one... (5 replies)
  162. State lawmakers try to halt health care changes (11 replies)
  163. Barack gets schooled (4 replies)
  164. The Destruction of the US Empire (26 replies)
  165. White House takes a dump... (40 replies)
  166. She opposes Obama because... (19 replies)
  167. 2004 Bush vs. Kerry Debate (14 replies)
  168. Friends of America Rally (10 replies)
  169. 9/11 Rituals (8 replies)
  170. Woh Oh! CBS poll: More Voters (Marxist scum obviously) approve Obama's health plan (23 replies)
  171. In which I extend an olive branch... (70 replies)
  172. Liberals, police your truthers (24 replies)
  173. US Dollar Index, 9/11/09 (0 replies)
  174. Texas governor sends Rangers to Mexico border (29 replies)
  175. School district that barred students from hearing Obama will bus them to Bush speech. (86 replies)
  176. Today of all days to conduct a "training exercise" (8 replies)
  177. I was.... (33 replies)
  178. where is the outrage? (14 replies)
  179. Religulous (105 replies)
  180. Meanwhile back at GOP headquarters... (14 replies)
  181. You people need to wake up and join the freedom fighters. (1 replies)
  182. Joe Wilson is a liar and a A-hole (censored) (62 replies)
  183. The Racial Context for Joe Wilson's Outburst (26 replies)
  184. OMFG!!! The Hill has the goods on Congressman Wilson (13 replies)
  185. Testify (60 replies)
  186. And, elsewhere... (5 replies)
  187. Meanwhile... (70 replies)
  188. Liar (3 replies)
  189. Yeah...about those evil-mongering mobsters. (3 replies)
  190. Are you offended Obama insults your intelligence? (34 replies)
  191. Answer me this Obamabots... (13 replies)
  192. I wonder how many Democrats have... (21 replies)
  193. Minyanville: Credit Debt has Dug a Two-decade Hole (18 replies)
  194. Domestic deployment of US armed forces: Rise of the Daddy State (16 replies)
  195. Illegal Aliens Spread Disease (10 replies)
  196. Private Contractors Swell US Force in Iraq (24 replies)
  197. Eye patch underwear, eh? (3 replies)
  198. Illegal Allien Care (134 replies)
  199. Yosi Sergant, Obama Aide, Asked To Resign: Glenn Beck Strikes Again (12 replies)
  200. joe wilson is your pre-existing condition dot com (6 replies)
  201. ACORN Prostitution Investigation (335 replies)
  202. Palin As President (8 replies)
  203. Joe Wilson Apolgizes to Rahm Emanuel & Obama (314 replies)
  204. I'm telling ya... (19 replies)
  205. sons Jason Mattera is good (0 replies)
  206. Deconstructing the “Whup Ass” (3 replies)
  207. Just up on Drudge...HE AIN'T GOT THE VOTES! (15 replies)
  208. Lying President Teleprompter will… (171 replies)
  209. We need Chinese-style autocracy (137 replies)
  210. Why I love America. (2 replies)
  211. Pat Buchanan: Obama at the Rubicon (23 replies)
  212. 35% of HS students don't finish HS in SA (242 replies)
  213. Obama's speech encourages students to support socialism and black nationalism (15 replies)
  214. Obama may not really be a US Citizen....shocking (36 replies)
  215. The Natives Are Getting Restless (16 replies)
  216. Great rant (32 replies)
  217. Who would you rather have as president? Nancy Pelosi or David Duke? (1 replies)
  218. The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever (20 replies)
  219. Okay, Al Frank has officially... (7 replies)
  220. Sarah Posts Again (106 replies)
  221. There's no fool like an elder fool (24 replies)
  222. Political Forum Question (64 replies)
  223. The Next Financial Crisis (50 replies)
  224. Text From Reagan's 1988 Nationally Televised Speech to America's Students (34 replies)
  225. Al Franken might be senator for quite a while (10 replies)
  226. Promises the President cannot realistically keep (88 replies)
  227. 09/08/09 Prepared Obama Remarks To School Children (93 replies)
  228. :lol @ Glenn Beck Going Alex Jones (60 replies)
  229. History (4 replies)
  230. Well, no duh! (1 replies)
  231. Bush and Reagan Judges allow Lawsuit against Ashcroft to Proceed (50 replies)
  232. OBama health plan hits hard on ST poster..... (13 replies)
  233. Did Ron Paul Predict 9/11? (6 replies)
  234. It's Time for Obama To Change Course (1 replies)
  235. Labor Day Weekend (0 replies)
  236. I don't have TV help me catch up! (13 replies)
  237. The Real Indoctrination (2 replies)
  238. Texas handsomly pays those that were innocent (32 replies)
  239. NISD/NEISD Parents: Keep your kids home on Tuesday! (55 replies)
  240. Gates: AP decision 'appalling' (15 replies)
  241. U.S. Economy: Payroll Losses Slow, Unemployment Rate Climbs (28 replies)
  242. Will Van Jones be fired? Or will he quit? (276 replies)
  243. "I pledge to serve the President" (42 replies)
  244. No more Chavez! (48 replies)
  245. The Great Brown Hope (2 replies)
  246. Joe Scarborough Swallows the Blue Kool-Aid (1 replies)
  247. Sick (11 replies)
  248. Why I am not a Republican (48 replies)
  249. ‘Giant’ Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico (37 replies)
  250. the right is crazy? part II (6 replies)