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  1. LULA 2022. Lula DaSilva gets green light to run for Brazil president. He polled at 87% before being wrongfully jailed. (62 replies)
  2. The Official are board Repugs too Chickensh** to respond to this? (11 replies)
  3. Manchin pledges to block Biden infrastructure bill if Republicans aren't included Manchin said he won't pass Biden's next legislative proposal using reconciliation (22 replies)
  4. Texas' drive to be the world's covid epicenter starts this week (563 replies)
  5. psychological signature of extremists (131 replies)
  6. Pepe Le Peu was a rapist and should be canceled. Even I agree w that one lol (135 replies)
  7. UT football players forced to stand for EOT, and admonished not to protest it in the future. (53 replies)
  8. The Official Globalists Are Being Exposed Thread (32 replies)
  9. Obamq said Mayor Pete cannot be president because hes short and gay (50 replies)
  10. US Detained Nearly 100,000 Migrants at Southern Border in February (13 replies)
  11. the blacks are back to attacking the illegals (2 replies)
  12. Reid (11 replies)
  13. SCOTUS 2021 (210 replies)
  14. Employment rose among those in free money experiment, study shows (8 replies)
  15. Fascist party war on democracy: GQP lawyer admits in court that voting restrictions help them win (8 replies)
  16. H.R.1: for the People Act of 2021 (64 replies)
  17. The Official March 4th Thread (254 replies)
  18. Kimmel warns 'canceling' Dr. Seuss is 'how Trump gets reelected': Cancel culture is 'his path to victory' (27 replies)
  19. The Official Cancel Culture Is Doing Canceled Thread (48 replies)
  20. New threats from right-wing terrorists on capital (38 replies)
  21. 108 Illegal Immigrants With Coronavirus Released in Texas (4 replies)
  22. Resident Pinko Commie Boutons_Doux's Hypocrisy (2 replies)
  23. ‘We have a responsibility’: AOC on the fight for $15 minimum wage (26 replies)
  24. Pelosi shepherds relief bill through House (7 replies)
  25. Chumpettes: You Going To Keep Wearing Your Face Diapers? (268 replies)
  26. Biden has now gone 40 days without a press conference (106 replies)
  27. Official Gab Got Hacked - Including Private Data Thread (47 replies)
  28. Trump: Request for 10K Guard Troops Rejected Days Before Riot (6 replies)
  29. When ids are required (7 replies)
  30. The Trump-Made Pandemic economic and public health disaster covid-19 Relief Bill (0 replies)
  31. Golden Trump statue turning heads at CPAC was made in … Mexico (10 replies)
  32. blacks are attacking asians (32 replies)
  33. Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are 'legal and enforceable' (4 replies)
  34. Truth bomb (8 replies)
  35. The Republican Party Is Now in Its End Stages (35 replies)
  36. Schumer privately says he wants to freeze last-minute stimulus changes in order to pass bill (0 replies)
  37. Michigan Gov. Whitmer faces calls for investigation into coronavirus nursing home deaths (5 replies)
  38. Faith-based "Trickle Down Economics" takes another hit (25 replies)
  39. URGENT: Saudi Crown Prince Bone Sawman accused of murder by US. Will Saudis decapitate him or ignore US accusation. (22 replies)
  40. The Trump Cult builds its golden idol to worship. (44 replies)
  41. US bombs facilities in Syria used by Iran-backed militia (121 replies)
  42. Official Idaho Is Doing Awesome Thread (6 replies)
  43. California law would fine department stores $1,000 for separating toys by gender (30 replies)
  44. Modern conservatism runs full tilt towards the whackadoodle. (24 replies)
  45. good doc on Khashoggi - The Dissident (3 replies)
  46. Our Entire Civilization Has Been Rocked To The Core (142 replies)
  47. Republicans butthurt that Democrats want to hold them accountable for the coup (29 replies)
  48. Lol democracts do not trust biden with nukes (1 replies)
  49. Kyrie Irving demands NBA to change its logo: 'BLACK KINGS BUILT THE LEAGUE (22 replies)
  50. 'The science is on our side': Chris Christie blasts Biden and Democrats over failure to reopen schools (45 replies)
  51. Miscalculating Sinema and Manchin could end up costing Biden (0 replies)
  52. The Official Elon Musk Is Doing Awesome Thread (3 replies)
  53. Bigger Fivehead: Biden or Fivehead (4 replies)
  54. Will Trump match Hitler in the 2024 vote? (42 replies)
  55. Psaki defends reopening of migrant facility for children under Biden: ‘This is not kids being kept in cages (93 replies)
  56. Way-Too-Early 2024 Presidential Election Map? (51 replies)
  57. TSHA webpage on the Forty-Eighters (1 replies)
  58. Yet Another Repug Shitshow: AG nominee Merrick Garland (14 replies)
  59. Coca-Cola staff told in online training seminar ‘try to be less white (10 replies)
  60. Hot mic: Entire Oakley Union Elementary School District School Board reigns in shame after clowning parents online. (5 replies)
  61. NRA is 'out of ammo' as it faces a legal mess of its own making, many experts say (9 replies)
  62. .... and there it is. Dominion slaps MyPillow guy with 1.3nbn lawsuit :lmao (161 replies)
  63. Deathbed confession by police informant implies NYPD and the CIA participation in the assassination of Malcolm X (39 replies)
  64. 'Slavery ended over 130 years ago': Former NFL player Herschel Walker says Black Americans shouldn't get reparations (43 replies)
  65. Bill Gates Says Social-Media Bans Aren't Answer to Divisiveness (12 replies)
  66. Colorado sees 97% fewer flu hospitalizations this year (211 replies)
  67. The Official Trump Will Scam at CPAC (But So Far Pence has Declined to Attend) Thread (114 replies)
  68. Arizona mayor: Ending ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy will ‘exacerbate an already overworked system (5 replies)
  69. Biden gas prices (63 replies)
  70. my daughters basketball game last night thx president (6 replies)
  71. The Official Weather Terrorists Are Doing Awesome Thread (46 replies)
  72. The Carbon Tax Scam Explained By Shiva Ayyadurai Ph.D. (54 replies)
  73. Never forget that you were warned that these people hate white people. (67 replies)
  74. The Return of The Neocon Warmongers: NATO announces 8 fold increase of 4,000 more troops to Iraq. No they did not ask Iraqs permission (5 replies)
  75. True COVID vaccination story (42 replies)
  76. Month Over Month: Boy's Insulin Goes From $60 (Under Trump) To $500 (Under Biden) (31 replies)
  77. Hong Kong concentration camps? C'mon man!! They're just a cultural norm! (45 replies)
  78. Bill Gates says Trump should 'probably' be allowed to return to social media (5 replies)
  79. LMAO. CNN bans Fredo from reporting on his Ogre bro. Claim he was ALWAYS banned. When asked about NY covid reporting, thesy say, well that was a special time (77 replies)
  80. Ted Cruz flees Texas during a disaster to enjoy warm vacation in Cancun (644 replies)
  81. Countdown To Kamala Presidency (103 replies)
  82. Rush Limbaugh does at 70 (108 replies)
  83. Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice (43 replies)
  84. The Official Vaccination Skeptic / Election Manipulator Mark Zuckerberg Is Doing Awesome Thread (9 replies)
  85. The Official Andrew Cuomo Is Doing Awesome Thread (527 replies)
  86. That batsh1t crazy nerd: Bill Gates wants everyone to eat 100% synthetic beef to save the planet, while he parades around the world in his 500 gallon/hour Jet (34 replies)
  87. 14th Amendment, Section 3 and DJT (75 replies)
  88. Amazing piece of nonbiased Journalism: Newsweek publishes article how Biden beat his granddaughter in Mario Kart (83 replies)
  89. Oops: 60% of repugs still like Trumps as head of GOP, 54% want him to run in 2024. Massive pro Trump 18 point swing in last few weeks (34 replies)
  90. 9/11/2001: CNN Reported That No Plane Hit The Pentagon (218 replies)
  91. New Mexico police officer run over outside of a Sonic Drive-In (21 replies)
  92. USA council alarmed at defunding of Pandemic Response Team (0 replies)
  93. California, Florida show similar COVID trends despite different policies (63 replies)
  94. Snowpocolypse: rolling blackouts instituted (1981 replies)
  95. President Donald John Trump: Double Champ (60 replies)
  96. Snow-pocalypse 2021: rolling blackouts are possible (36 replies)
  97. all you yt people in this forum are guilty of this & need to hear a real african americas perspective (1 replies)
  98. Impeachment Attempt Number Three.. and.. ACTION! (49 replies)
  99. Students Arrested for Sharing Copies of U.S. Constitution (18 replies)
  100. Qtard Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s Parents are Cousins (23 replies)
  101. The Official Gina Carino Is B*tch Slapping Neckbeards Thread (82 replies)
  102. The Lincoln Project is Done (187 replies)
  103. MurderGrandmaGate: Cuomos staff admits to hiding and lying on nursing home deaths to avoid Trump attacks. Cuomos bodycount more than twice what he reported (36 replies)
  104. blue checkmark celebrity caught spreading fake news propaganda on behalf of the left again (113 replies)
  105. LMAO Gov Andrew Cuomo publishes a rap childrens cartoon music video to convince adult black folk to take covid vaccines (43 replies)
  106. The Official Jewish Zionists Are Doing Awesome Thread (206 replies)
  107. Annoyance Builds At Elon Musk Getting A Billion In Subsidies For Starlink Broadband (3 replies)
  108. Mandatory Patriotism (52 replies)
  109. Decriminalizing weed.... stocks? (73 replies)
  110. How sh!tbag Repug fascists in sh!thole TX promote Freedom for All (0 replies)
  111. $15 minimum wage looks more possible (245 replies)
  112. The Economic Consequences of Major Tax Cuts for the Rich (1 replies)
  113. French Leaders [Macron] Slams US' Out Of Control Woke Leftism And Cancel Culture (108 replies)
  114. How Democrats Learned to Seize the Day (30 replies)
  115. Joe Bidens Foreign Policy is basically Donald Trumps same exact policy with a rainbow flag emoji (38 replies)
  116. Kevin O'Leary on stimulus checks: Stop 'sending everybody free money' (22 replies)
  117. Germany, Poland, Sweden expel Russian diplomats in reciprocity (2 replies)
  118. Congress member Ron Wright dies of COVID (23 replies)
  119. When did white people start fetishizing police? (55 replies)
  120. Austin Leads the Way in Cutting Police Funding and Using the Money for Housing (7 replies)
  121. Judge Orders OAN to Pay Rachel Maddow and MSNBC $250,000 in Attorney Fees For Filing Frivolous Defamation Lawsuit (15 replies)
  122. Lou Dobbs faces consequences for lying about election (25 replies)
  123. National Geographic documentary on new Air Force One takes a look at design Trump helped shape (27 replies)
  124. New Israeli Covid drug is 30 for 30. Curing quickly too. (17 replies)
  125. SCOTUS decision: South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsome (7 replies)
  126. Still Breathing That Fresh MTG Air (304 replies)
  127. Repug Voter Suppression & Gerrymander Thread (1 replies)
  128. MJT Is A Breath Of Fresh Air (441 replies)
  129. Hunter Bidens new Book already #1 bestseller in Amazon under Chinese Biographies category (28 replies)
  130. How The Repug Shitbags Roll in Shithole Texas (443 replies)
  131. Mason County Courthouse burns (8 replies)
  132. QAnon shaman receives organic diet (27 replies)
  133. Mitt Romney’s Plan to Pay Parents Up to $15,000 a Year — and Cut Welfare (30 replies)
  134. Official MTG's Committee Assignments are Doing Great Thread (28 replies)
  135. La Llorona II: Terror at the Capitol. AOC to lead therapy session night in congress tonight to share trauma caused on Jan 6 (69 replies)
  136. Chumpettes Love Their Old White Honkies (34 replies)
  137. USA Today column argues Tom Brady has gotten 'undeserved pass' for supporting Trump, cites 'white privilege' (4 replies)
  138. AOC Lieded And Didn't Almost Dieded (304 replies)
  139. Canada declares Proud Boys a terrorist entity (26 replies)
  140. Another US coup in Ecuador? Elections are in 4 days and US puppet presidemt just visited Washington DC to meet with Biden and IMF head (9 replies)
  141. In Biden administration reversal, Justice Dept. drops discrimination suit against Yale (26 replies)
  142. Pete Buttigieg becomes first openly gay Senate-confirmed Cabinet secretary (100 replies)
  143. Rep. Jackie Speier Suggests Labeling Republicans Terrorists (34 replies)
  144. Happy Black History Month... (81 replies)
  145. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she's a survivor of sexual assault while describing trauma of Capitol insurrection (100 replies)
  146. Sarah Palin's case against The New York Times is a landmine for the First Amendment (16 replies)
  147. WTF. Military seizing power for one year, and is detaining government officials in response to alleged election fraud (20 replies)
  148. Russian hack brings changes, uncertainty to US court system (3 replies)
  149. Trump’s own lawyers ‘secretly drafted’ Texas lawsuit challenging election results, report says (7 replies)
  150. Official Covid Vaccination Check-In Sheet (384 replies)
  151. Red Pill 2 (65 replies)
  152. For Today's Lesson in Christian Hate, all you maskless so-called Christians ... (10 replies)
  153. lmao Manchin, lulz Democrats (215 replies)
  154. Honest question, do you believe in big government and why? (43 replies)
  155. Alleged 9/11 mastermind to get vaccination before our own US vets/elderly (29 replies)
  156. Facebook's Oversight Board is calling for public input regarding the indefinite suspension of former President Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts. (0 replies)
  157. 2 black women torture a black family while pretending to be cops (4 replies)
  158. The Official Fake President Biden Is Doing Awesome Thread (827 replies)
  159. Jewish Space Laser Thread (161 replies)
  160. Why are we paying for abortions in other countries? (29 replies)
  161. NY undercounted nursing home coronavirus deaths by as much as 50%, state AG says (28 replies)
  162. Official Sign-Up Sheet To Leave ST Politics Forever If Trump Is Not Inaugurated On March 4, 2021 Thread (12 replies)
  163. "Ricky Vaughn" arrested for 2016 election interrence (15 replies)
  164. The Official Donald John Trump Re-Inauguration Thread (160 replies)
  165. Dr Osterholm puts lying Dr Fauci in his place "douboing up masks is a bad idea" (67 replies)
  166. Oklahoma Wants To Return Its $2 Million Stockpile Of Hydroxychloroquine (21 replies)
  167. Balancing the budget is more urgent right now arguably than ending COVID-19 (38 replies)
  168. Biden's order to halt border wall construction is likely illegal, experts say (5 replies)
  169. How Oregon just proved Donald Trump isn't going anywhere (9 replies)
  170. /r/WallStreetBets raids hedge funds with stock meme? (609 replies)
  171. US Attorney: Indictments for DC riots coming (6 replies)
  172. Austin, TX to vote Wed. to divert money from APD for homeless hotels and wraparound services (9 replies)
  173. Squatter's rights in Spain may soon be a thing (2 replies)
  174. Finance capitalism vs. Industrial capitalism (1 replies)
  175. CEO who cut his pay and gave all his employees $70K a year discloses results (3 replies)
  176. Man Sues Sanctuary City Albuquerque for Protecting Wife's Illegal Immigrant Murder Suspect (13 replies)
  177. Biden's administration under fire for lack of knowledge on vaccinations (2 replies)
  178. DOJ IG Horowitz actual bombshell coming (7 replies)
  179. The anti-democratic, corrupt Senate (18 replies)
  180. Dominion sues Count Rudy for 1 Billion for defamation (18 replies)
  181. The RIP Derp Trolls Thread (138 replies)
  182. Mine OK'd in Trump's last days may boost Biden energy plan (0 replies)
  183. Mexican leader says Biden offers $4B for Central America (8 replies)
  184. Arizona Republicans censure Cindy McCain, GOP governor (32 replies)
  185. Dr Birx: the Biden inauguration was a superspreader event. Especially the nat guard troops who were treated like dogs (50 replies)
  186. The Most Hilarious MAGA Lawsuit Yet (6 replies)
  187. This town powered America for decades. What do we owe them? (4 replies)
  188. Back to guys in women's sports (127 replies)
  189. Red/Confederate states using BLM/Capitol/pipeline protests as pretext to criminalize dissent (0 replies)
  190. The Left Is Getting Ratio'd (346 replies)
  191. Biden Wants to Raise Taxes, Yet Many Trump Tax Cuts Are Here to Stay (18 replies)
  192. Biden violates own mask mandate on federal land because... (48 replies)
  193. An estimated 62 million abortions have occurred since Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 (44 replies)
  194. The Washington Post Tried To Memory-Hole Kamala Harris' Bad Joke About Inmates Begging for Food and Water (25 replies)
  195. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming (134 replies)
  196. McConnell issues devil’s ultimatum to Senate Democrats, refuses to give them their gavels (33 replies)
  197. Biden signs executive order with transgender athletes (87 replies)
  198. Judge rejects Parler's attempt to force Amazon to host it (37 replies)
  199. Biden's actions on Corona highlight Trump bungling and Republican incompetence (29 replies)
  200. Suggestion: Ban all spamming users (1 month), perma-ban all alts with under 5K posts (155 replies)
  201. When Will The Illegitimate White House Page Start Disabling Likes/Dislikes? (77 replies)
  202. Red Pill 1 (72 replies)
  203. Anti-Biden Antifa attack Portland police officers forcing cops to retreat (64 replies)
  204. Trump indictment watch poll (23 replies)
  205. Has anyone here actually checked out thedonald.win before? (55 replies)
  206. Bury The Hatchet With Trump (31 replies)
  207. Remembering 45: Favorite Tard Moments (78 replies)
  208. The Official Biden is Doing *Almost* as Good as Trump Thread (6 replies)
  209. GAME OVER! (1 replies)
  210. The Official *non-Official Delicious Organic thread for MAGAT TEARS! (46 replies)
  211. *** Official Joe Biden Inauguration Day Thread *** (300 replies)
  212. Over/Under 2.5 DNC Presidents By 2024? (0 replies)
  213. LMAO (4 replies)
  214. Msnbc and CNN turn into North Korean TV. Heads literally in tears praising our new supreme leaders magnanimousness (132 replies)
  215. Playboy article on 8chan (0 replies)
  216. Seismic shift in news and late night talk shows (29 replies)
  217. LOL DC Mayor wants national guardsmen with differing views terminated. Requested machine guns to protect DC on inauguration (19 replies)
  218. California Democrat floats $23 minimum wage (85 replies)
  219. Sec. State Nominee Tony Blinken: Trump 'Right' on China (8 replies)
  220. "Breezes and Bagatelles," reminisces of DJT (0 replies)
  221. We Have It All (138 replies)
  222. Biden's health care plan (57 replies)
  223. Congratulations Americans... (6 replies)
  224. Trump’s Healthcare Plan (122 replies)
  225. BlueAnon: shillary clinton and pelosi suggest Putin and Trump secfetly planned and executed Capitol riots in unhinged "interview" (96 replies)
  226. New Covid-19 cases declined 11% after hitting a peak last week (40 replies)
  227. Proposed bill in the Texas lege: no open carry at protests (5 replies)
  228. And Justice For All (6 replies)
  229. Ohio police officer fatally shot in standoff with arson suspect (26 replies)
  230. U.S. Constitution Get rid of it ! (21 replies)
  231. Spoiler Alert: How It Ends (93 replies)
  232. Presidents Aren't Virtual (15 replies)
  233. The new regressive tax coming at you. (62 replies)
  234. Texas medical marijuana laws a fucking joke. (11 replies)
  235. Pot decriminalization without legalization (19 replies)
  236. Trump team orders installation of notorious pro-Trump saboteur into top NSA position (0 replies)
  237. Forbes to all Fortune 500 Companies: Don't hire Trump People (2 replies)
  238. One Year, 400,000 Coronavirus Deaths: How the U.S. Guaranteed Its Own Failure (10 replies)
  239. Twitter bans Trump, but left-wing activist charged in Capitol riot still active on platform (4 replies)
  240. Cnn is afraid if newsmax (11 replies)
  241. The American Abyss (48 replies)
  242. Will yall stop with that ridiculous endless hairy head shit! (41 replies)
  243. Do They Serve Ice Cream In Prison? (59 replies)
  244. No Armed Protesters Showing Up To The State Capitols (10 replies)
  245. Alec Baldwin says he dreamed Donald Trump was tried for 'sedition' with a makeshift noose outside courthouse (280 replies)
  246. A Closet Gay Organization For Closet Gay Chumpettes (8 replies)
  247. North Texan Jenna Ryan Tells CBS 11 She Deserves Pardon After Arrest For Alleged Role In Capitol Riot (49 replies)
  248. It's A Trap! (17 replies)
  249. Judge dismisses 39 cases against 28 Black Lives Matter protesters in Detroit (5 replies)
  250. Twitter Admits Their Mass Censorship Is A Huge Human Rights Violation (13 replies)