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  1. Another death blow to AGW (12 replies)
  2. S/T Politic Posters' Photos (44 replies)
  3. Roads Crumbling in Louisiana (47 replies)
  4. Another victory for the Tea Party and Sarah Palin (73 replies)
  5. House Dems won't force vote on middle class tax cuts (27 replies)
  6. Digging up the Armor issue. (8 replies)
  7. African Genital-Washing Program (34 replies)
  8. Why Was There No Jet Fuel at the Flight 93 Crash Site? (56 replies)
  9. Jack Hunter: Interventionism Left and Right (0 replies)
  10. Joule patents fuel made from water, sunlight, CO2 (74 replies)
  11. Nate Silver: 2 Insurgents Could Hurt G.O.P. Chances for Senate Takeover (90 replies)
  12. Greenwald: The Democratic fear based strategy (9 replies)
  13. Veterans Agency Made Secret Deal With Prudential Over Benefits (94 replies)
  14. Ground Zero (33 replies)
  15. UPDATE: Gulf Is Still F*cked! No Relief in Sight! (10 replies)
  16. Simple question? (22 replies)
  17. Newt Gingrich: Obama's 'Kenyan anti-colonial worldview (12 replies)
  18. Jack Hunter: Did the terrorists win on 9/11? (34 replies)
  19. GOP spokesman: Senate GOP to oppose Obama tax plan (10 replies)
  20. Government spending is bad. unless it is given to me... (27 replies)
  21. Geert Wilders 9/11 Ground Zero Speech (162 replies)
  22. UK teen banned from US for life over Obama email (62 replies)
  23. Truther's Case. (87 replies)
  24. REMEMBER September 11, 2001 - TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS OF 9/11 (26 replies)
  25. Rand Paul attracts nearly 40% of African Americans in Kentucky... (7 replies)
  26. OOPS! Few green jobs for Americans? DUHHH! (4 replies)
  27. Happy Neo-Con Christmas! (48 replies)
  28. Beware Angry Repugs... (5 replies)
  29. FACT CHECK: Obama's tone shifts on health care (1 replies)
  30. First Medal of Honor for a living 21st Century War Vet to be awarded (3 replies)
  31. BBC Jumps gun on collapse of WTC7 20 minutes prior. Smoking Gun 911 staged (50 replies)
  32. muslims.. (110 replies)
  33. Asia Times: US and Taliban in talks (5 replies)
  34. The M$M role in the Koran burning debate (14 replies)
  35. Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech, (0 replies)
  36. O's probably happy that everyone is talking about that nut pastor in Florida... (25 replies)
  37. Fla. minister cancels burning of Qurans on 9/11 (38 replies)
  38. big fish kill in the gulf... (36 replies)
  39. Obama hides extraordinary rendition behind the veil of state secrets (48 replies)
  40. Your Fat Paycheck Keeps Your Neighbor Unemployed (8 replies)
  41. The rich (oligarchs) get richer, the others ...? (0 replies)
  42. Depression is confirmed. (1 replies)
  43. Dayum! (31 replies)
  44. "Inspire" The Magazine for Would-Be Jihadists (10 replies)
  45. Three things about Islam (4 replies)
  46. The Reason Democrats will be slaughtered... (11 replies)
  47. Someone call Michael Moore... (81 replies)
  48. 13 minutes of your time, please. (39 replies)
  49. Obama names "Asian Carp Czar"... (24 replies)
  50. Even America's liberal elites concede that Obama's Presidency is crumbling (2 replies)
  51. Climate: New study slashes estimate of icecap loss (3 replies)
  52. Cleanup worker: “Deathly sick… I didn’t think I was going to make it to next morn" (0 replies)
  53. Battle royal over health care repeal if GOP wins (26 replies)
  54. Racist Tea-bagger running in Harlem! (4 replies)
  55. Obama is losing it says a insider (52 replies)
  56. Official: Obama to back more business tax breaks (41 replies)
  57. Feds send Bastrop man to jail for selling gun to illegal alien (133 replies)
  58. Petraeus: Burning Koran Puts American Lives 'in Jeopardy' (213 replies)
  59. Happy Unemployment Day! (54 replies)
  60. What will recovery jobs be? (28 replies)
  61. George Carlin Spells it Out (40 replies)
  62. Rand Paul "Tebows" Jack Conway and leads by 15 points! (5 replies)
  63. Bat shit Jan Brewer finally admits she was wrong on beheadings.. (83 replies)
  64. I don't care who you are... (11 replies)
  65. World recovery is Real, US recovery is an illusion (0 replies)
  66. Another Repug Lie: The Dems CRA Caused the Crisis (7 replies)
  67. Up to 90% of oysters dead in DMR’s reef sample: “We’ve lost this season.” (26 replies)
  68. Der Speigel: America Has Become Too European (10 replies)
  69. Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as Democrats (19 replies)
  70. American Taliban (22 replies)
  71. American Naivete and Moderate Islam (21 replies)
  72. Bend Over, Open Wide, the Health Corps Are Coming (35 replies)
  73. Kenneth Anderson @ volokh.com on the VAT tax (3 replies)
  74. Fish kill in Choctawhatchee Bay: Residents Scared of the Water (4 replies)
  75. Concise History of Racist Repuglanism (9 replies)
  76. USA cheerleaders cover up for game vs Iran (24 replies)
  77. Oil sheen spreading from Gulf platform explosion (32 replies)
  78. That's some slimy isht, Mr Murdoch (23 replies)
  79. DHS Cluster F*ck, or a Tale of Two Terrorists Gone Awry (9 replies)
  80. Debate opening statement fail (31 replies)
  81. (Another) Blast on gulf oil rig (5 replies)
  82. Environmental Militant Killed by Police at Discovery Channel HQ (10 replies)
  83. JP Morgan shuts down its prop trading desks (0 replies)
  84. Hilarious California political ad (36 replies)
  85. Arizona Now Has ‘Whopping 30’ National Guard Troops and 15 Billboard Signs Warning Ci (37 replies)
  86. Let the season of Palin Derangement Syndrome Begin! (43 replies)
  87. NEWSFLASH: People in Gulf Getting Sick from Corexit.. Chicken Little's pissing black! (100 replies)
  88. VRWC News: More Koch astroturf (14 replies)
  89. EXCLUSIVE: New Video of World Trade Center 7 Released! (32 replies)
  90. Daniel Larison: The long run authorizes every king of humbug (1 replies)
  91. Brooks: The Root (65 replies)
  92. Presidential Address (27 replies)
  93. results from my class survey, part 2 (12 replies)
  94. Duplicate Post (7 replies)
  95. GOP Takes Unprecedented 10-Point Lead on Generic Ballot (33 replies)
  96. Ground Zero Islamic center’s funding leads to CFR? (20 replies)
  97. Assessing America's 'imperial failure' in Iraq (132 replies)
  98. Sharif el-Gamal: An American success story (36 replies)
  99. Krugman: It’s Witch-Hunt Season (14 replies)
  100. An Officer Speaks Out on Military Bureaucracy (0 replies)
  101. Bolton 2012 (14 replies)
  102. Iranian hate media mimics Repug hate-media (14 replies)
  103. Repug majority nutters and Obama's Muslimism (63 replies)
  104. "He's the 'cotton-pickin' President" (34 replies)
  105. Ron Paul’s Shocking Message To The Tea Party (20 replies)
  106. What If We Ditched Quantitative Easing and Just Printed (and Distributed) Cash? (6 replies)
  107. "Housing a Human Right" (2 replies)
  108. Undercurrents below the Ground Zero mosque (16 replies)
  109. You Small Business Owners? Repugs are your friends (9 replies)
  110. BigPharma Raising Prices Because They Want Mo' Money (15 replies)
  111. Duplicate Band of North Dakota, 49 times (0 replies)
  112. Should the GOP impeach Obama after midterms? (29 replies)
  113. What are your views on the Amish? (44 replies)
  114. Here's why Ron Paul can win in 2012: (12 replies)
  115. Big Surprise: Troubled Assets Garner Rewards (0 replies)
  116. We, Who? ...Glen Beckkk (209 replies)
  117. Were The Founding Fathers Psychic? (29 replies)
  118. EPA to consider banning lead in bullets? (38 replies)
  119. Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis (29 replies)
  120. Class survey results, part 1 (49 replies)
  121. 7 out of eight candidates black in black locations with 70 percent dems but white rep (9 replies)
  122. I can't believe those god damn A Rabs (11 replies)
  123. The last refuge of a liberal (745 replies)
  124. Bernanke about to fire up the Helicopter... (73 replies)
  125. Krugman: This is Is Not a Recovery (110 replies)
  126. And you still think defecits are OK? (11 replies)
  127. Governor Christie keeps the hits coming... (23 replies)
  128. Galileo died as a man of faith, says priest (0 replies)
  129. Good 'ol Alan Simpson (19 replies)
  130. The damned Democrats are going... (8 replies)
  131. DarrinS: Why You Lie? ...Most BP Oil Still Pollutes the Gulf (105 replies)
  132. Bullshit Search Capability. (0 replies)
  133. Repug Lie: "Is the GOP Actually Terrified of Privatization?" (10 replies)
  134. Karl Rove appears to be quitting the New World Order (6 replies)
  135. Haley Barbour appears to be quitting the New World Order (12 replies)
  136. State Department details Blackwater violations of U.S. laws (11 replies)
  137. Ron Paul Calls for Audit of US Gold Reserves : Kitco News Exclusive (28 replies)
  138. I"m truly disappointed in our intelligence community (42 replies)
  139. Credit card debt drops to lowest level in 8 years (11 replies)
  140. FOX failed to mention co-owner is one they accuse of terror funding (8 replies)
  141. McCain's Embarrassing Last Act (13 replies)
  142. Fed Loses Bid for Review of Bailout Disclosure Ruling (1 replies)
  143. What if you gave an entitlement party and no one came? (31 replies)
  144. wtf lol Rand Paul? (43 replies)
  145. Jon Basil Utley: Iraq's dysfunctional democracy (1 replies)
  146. US democracy: "You Can't Count The Votes" (not honestly) (6 replies)
  147. Digby: Slick Paulitician (7 replies)
  148. Congress please arrest Obama! (0 replies)
  149. Maybe they'll keep him. (37 replies)
  150. Obama vs. Obama on Afghanistan (13 replies)
  151. Obama vs. Obama on the stimulus (1 replies)
  152. U.S. Judges Sound Off on Bank Settlements (28 replies)
  153. Inconvenient Reality Made DarrinS It's Little Bitch (17 replies)
  154. David Stockman: How Pimco Is Holding American Homeowners Hostage (29 replies)
  155. We made that oil spill our bitch (79 replies)
  156. Tony Robbins Warning! (24 replies)
  157. Only 2 people sign up for Obamacare in New Jersey (45 replies)
  158. The Republican divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers (5 replies)
  159. Constitutional Changes (47 replies)
  160. Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated (367 replies)
  161. Excellent Underrated 9/11 Mini-Videos (56 replies)
  162. after Obama retires... (45 replies)
  163. Miss Him Yet? (74 replies)
  164. Australian Election (1 replies)
  165. Alex Jones Supports Militias and Armed Revolution. (19 replies)
  166. BP already screwing Gulf spill victims (5 replies)
  167. Glenn Beck: Where Native Americans really came from (73 replies)
  168. What I would like Congress to adopt from NASCAR (16 replies)
  169. Satire banned in Brazil ahead of presidential election (3 replies)
  170. Birthers unite!!! (1 replies)
  171. Fox News 2nd largest shareholder is a Saudi Prince (80 replies)
  172. After Seven Years, Final U.S. Combat Brigade Leaves Iraq (142 replies)
  173. Prayer becoming illegal (28 replies)
  174. Rand Paul Money Bomb Starts Tonight at Midnight! (8 replies)
  175. Survey on economic class (20 replies)
  176. Gm ipo (268 replies)
  177. America 2020: Health Care Nation (2 replies)
  178. Fox News Parent Corp. Donates $1,000,000 to Republican Governor's Association (37 replies)
  179. Political quiz (36 replies)
  180. Renewable Energy Data Book (6 replies)
  181. Conspiracy Theory, Ripe for Debunkers. (91 replies)
  182. I want your money (21 replies)
  183. Blago guilty on only one count... (46 replies)
  184. Headed for a Heartbreak? You call it... (17 replies)
  185. Dennis Leary Speaks out (11 replies)
  186. Microsoft spent $1.85 million lobbying in 2Q (2 replies)
  187. Here's exactly why Repugs want to hand SocSec to Wall St (34 replies)
  188. Blacks commit 'bias' crimes against Mexicans in NYC (101 replies)
  189. Food for Thought: (12 replies)
  190. Good Article on Nuclear Power (14 replies)
  191. Poll shows economy will be key to midterms (3 replies)
  192. VRWC News: 40 percent of CATO funding comes from big oil. (8 replies)
  193. Think Twice Before You Speak Out On Iraq (53 replies)
  194. Think the US will chip to compensate Ecuador? (0 replies)
  195. Disgust May Play a Key Role in Morality (7 replies)
  196. No Matter Your Party, You Cannot Trust Washington To Help (1 replies)
  197. Ron Paul polls best among independent voters! (10 replies)
  198. Ethics or Political Party (22 replies)
  199. Libertarian vs. Republican (29 replies)
  200. Obama closes curtain on transparency (24 replies)
  201. Like father, like son? Quayle follows dad (0 replies)
  202. Jeff Greene brushes off raucous party boat tales (6 replies)
  203. What the Earth Knows (48 replies)
  204. Evil on the Net (3 replies)
  205. Mosque Moves Forward, Yet Church in Limbo (9 replies)
  206. Ocean’s Color Affects Hurricane Paths (12 replies)
  207. German Growth Bolsters Its Stance on Recession (3 replies)
  208. Duping the Families of Fallen Soldiers (3 replies)
  209. Obama supports Mosque near ground zero... (359 replies)
  210. Surprise! (0 replies)
  211. Libs (11 replies)
  212. Remember this (16 replies)
  213. Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food (87 replies)
  214. Hopenchange hits the ATL (5 replies)
  215. Why aren't we doing more in Pakistan? (3 replies)
  216. In Bush v. Obama, Bush Wins in a Rout (34 replies)
  217. Terror Babies : Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert (27 replies)
  218. CNN poll: Majority say they don't count on Social Security (30 replies)
  219. Obama administration to provide $3B in housing aid (21 replies)
  220. Cato: Mountain of Debt (35 replies)
  221. More Bad News about the economy.... (1 replies)
  222. "the OCC .... letter granting formal approval to overdraft backdati (3 replies)
  223. Blago Jury has 120 PAGES OF JURY INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  224. We need Ben Quayle (20 replies)
  225. Is this host of this show a racist? (40 replies)
  226. Libertarians call federal worker pay gap 'appalling' (42 replies)
  227. In La., signs of regrowth seen in oiled marshes (24 replies)
  228. Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy' (4 replies)
  229. Einstein's Theory of Relativity -- liberal conspiracy? (9 replies)
  230. Bush surprises trops at DFW airport (89 replies)
  231. Israel about to attack Iran? (29 replies)
  232. Harnessing the Power of Spurstalk Political Forum? (4 replies)
  233. Do tax cuts pay for themselves? John Boehner can't say. (7 replies)
  234. So now that we are one quarter away from a double dip... (293 replies)
  235. Will Obama ever stop blaming Bush? (117 replies)
  236. NRA Protects Second Amendment Rights Of Residents In Public Housing (11 replies)
  237. Would the Progressive Left find Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay, Benjamin F (27 replies)
  238. Great news: Fed workers make twice their private counterparts (83 replies)
  239. Wave Goodbye to Brand Obama (14 replies)
  240. U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don't Even Know (160 replies)
  241. The worst is over? (4 replies)
  242. sons lets all reach across the aisle and appreciate beautiful news anchors (28 replies)
  243. Republican Congressional Candidate Ben Quayle outed as co-creator of TheDirty.com (0 replies)
  244. Pigford v. Glickman: 86,000 claims from 39,697 total farmers? (10 replies)
  245. Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed U.S. economy' (130 replies)
  246. The Story of Antoine Dodson: Hide your kids, hide your wife. They are raping everyone (4 replies)
  247. Anchor Babies and amending the 14th amendment (125 replies)
  248. Former Obama Campaigner Caught Provocatuering As ‘Racist’ Tea Party Member (8 replies)
  249. Former Senators plane crashes in Alaska... (9 replies)
  250. Fannie-Freddie Bailout: $148B and Counting (15 replies)