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  1. Warrants Issued for Dallas Officers who Shot BLM Protestors (13 replies)
  2. Trump advisors wanted military to seize voting machines (25 replies)
  3. Trump stole 15 boxes of official documents and hid them at Mar-a-Lago (210 replies)
  4. why are super red states dystopian hellholes? (349 replies)
  5. Yang folds to Cancel Culture,,, (3 replies)
  6. Police union defends Florida cop who choked colleague (5 replies)
  7. Houston Chronicle: Harris County Commissioners hid the source of their contributions, then steered 93% of the contracts to donors (5 replies)
  8. Olympic opening ceremony (31 replies)
  9. Washington Football Team and the NFL put a lid on the sexual harassment investigation (4 replies)
  10. Baseline Bum,,,,to you. (46 replies)
  11. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman Files Federal Lawsuit Accusing Trump and Rudy Giuliani of Violating the KKK Act pf 1871 (50 replies)
  12. Zucker quits as another CNN big shot gets caught porkin' the help... (158 replies)
  13. Lockdowns only reduced COVID-19 mortality by .2%, study finds: 'Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand' (10 replies)
  14. Wonder why there are so many burglaries? (116 replies)
  15. Another KO: Tulsi obliterates Kamala again. Bashes Bidens hiring style of only black women (6 replies)
  16. 2022 Midterm Elections If Roe v. Wade Is Overturned By SCOTUS (14 replies)
  17. You know when Bill Maher turns on the democrats,,,,,its over,,,, (27 replies)
  18. right wing shock jock causes spotify stock to tank due to covid misinformation (363 replies)
  19. The Far Rights New Enemy........................Butterflies (6 replies)
  20. Boston trade group says restaurants are losing as much as $15,000 a week because customers are put off by new vaccine rules (8 replies)
  21. DC statehood scenario (19 replies)
  22. Sounds Good,,, (4 replies)
  23. reddit mod goes on fox news and all hell breaks loose (47 replies)
  24. US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Retiring (154 replies)
  25. Spurstalk.com poster assaults children for wearing masks (5 replies)
  26. South Carolina bill would make it illegal to ask vaccine status (14 replies)
  27. So does anyone give a shit about the olympics next month? (44 replies)
  28. State Department urges Americans and Embassy staff to leave Ukraine (2 replies)
  29. In schools... why not just get rid of all mask mandates and make covid vax mandatory just like polio, hepatitis, tetanus etc? (62 replies)
  30. Judge stops at will employees from being able to accept a new job (18 replies)
  31. IRS will soon require you to submit your financial documents, SSN, credit history and biometric information to ID.me (14 replies)
  32. Thank You, Sen. Manchin and Sinema for putting country over party. Americans salute you,,, (107 replies)
  33. Foreign air carriers cancel Boeing 777 and 747-8 flights to the US over 5G rollout (19 replies)
  34. Hmmm what dis? (55 replies)
  35. Idiots Set Fire to Bastrop Again (3 replies)
  36. Great News: tesla owner whose car killed 2 people while on Autopilot to face Manslaughter charges (0 replies)
  37. JFK Jr, tbh (49 replies)
  38. MLK Day coming up,,,, (44 replies)
  39. RIP Marlon Bundo (8 replies)
  40. Hostage situation at Colleyville synagogue (62 replies)
  41. Liberal Media now attacking Manchin for cutting off the gravy train,,,, (52 replies)
  42. Tsunami warning for American Samoa (16 replies)
  43. VA new governor Youngkin will kill mask mandate on schools (159 replies)
  44. Official Millennials Are Trending Red Thread (30 replies)
  45. Thuggin' and Buggin' Herschel Walker (579 replies)
  46. Jaime Harrison as DNC Chair (6 replies)
  47. gun lover and former right wing chief of staff shot and killed by liberal Prius driver (9 replies)
  48. Inflation rises 7%...highest since 1982. Thanks, Joey,,,, (22 replies)
  49. Fox News tops ESPN as most-watched cable network while CNN sheds nearly 90% of 2021 audience (20 replies)
  50. More than 47,000 migrants released into US by Biden admin in 2021 failed to report to ICE (10 replies)
  51. Defector.com: How the Cold War killed Cannabis as we knew iit. (0 replies)
  52. Born In The USA (30 replies)
  53. voting rights hyperbole (231 replies)
  54. Bob Saget, RIP (31 replies)
  55. What happened to my bruh "Spurtacular"? (34 replies)
  56. Submit Your Nominations for 2021 Poster and Post of the Year (19 replies)
  57. Arizona offering families up to $7k for issues stemming from school closures (1 replies)
  58. Mystery Canadian illness (2 replies)
  59. Omicron Variant May End Up Saving Lives - WSJ (101 replies)
  60. ‘Plenty of evidence’ Nancy Pelosi knew and did nothing about January 6 riots (50 replies)
  61. Trump with bad judgement,,,, (8 replies)
  62. Georgia officially exposes FRAUD in the State of Michigan!!! We have confirmed fraud in Michigan!! Details inside (1 replies)
  63. Happy New Year (21 replies)
  64. Becky Hammon new WNBA Las Vegas Aces head coach,,, (11 replies)
  65. Maxwell guilty (50 replies)
  66. Woke GOP Rep claims CRT ruined her friendship (7 replies)
  67. Black democrats doing black democrat things.... (5 replies)
  68. Right wing Neo Nazi kills 5 people in Denver area (134 replies)
  69. The official Harry Reid is doing awesome thread (25 replies)
  70. unemployment benefits for anti-vaxxers (36 replies)
  71. Is it time to cancel A Christmas Story? (102 replies)
  72. President Joe Biden's White House refused an October plan by COVID-19 testing experts to put some 732 million at-home tests in the hands of the public, a Vanity Fair report said Friday (21 replies)
  73. The Wisconsin Purchase (74 replies)
  74. Over 52 billion in waste impeach congress (4 replies)
  75. This 232-year-old power has never been used by Congress — but it could save the republic (0 replies)
  76. Media loathes Democrat mavericks like Manchin, praised John McCain for similar actions (6 replies)
  77. Russian Defense Minister Shoygu claims US/NATO preparing chemical weapon false flag attack in Eastern Ukraine (16 replies)
  78. "The most precise air campaign in history" -- NYT debunks US drone war propaganda (22 replies)
  79. 6 Monkeys Charged With Asian Hate Crimes After More Than 100 Asian Women Were Attacked In The Bay Area! (2 replies)
  80. Border Crisis: 5 Million Illegal Aliens in 2021 and Cartels Out of Control (19 replies)
  81. American Rentier Society (7 replies)
  82. Psst: You want to know the truth about inflation? (It's not what the Fed thinks it is.) (53 replies)
  83. cuck liberal mma fighter wears a vagina shirt on live tv in texas to protest texas (10 replies)
  84. Robert Reich: What’s Really Driving Inflation? Corporate Power (23 replies)
  85. Black Racism...democrats gone wild..... (8 replies)
  86. right wing influencer complaining about gas prices while wearing $1500 hoodie (17 replies)
  87. Melania's NFT (6 replies)
  88. Greg Abbott’s Promise to Eliminate Rape Is Holding Up About as Well as You’d Expect (1 replies)
  89. Hillary 2024? (264 replies)
  90. Candle factory and Amazon employees threatening with firing during tornado warning (35 replies)
  91. Conservative judge caught being racist on 4K (9 replies)
  92. Car dealer Erik Charles Maund arrested for contracting a hit on his ex-girlfriend and her bf (2 replies)
  93. conservative speaks candidly and admits he's being used, AZ audit is a waste of money (17 replies)
  94. CNN Senior producer Arrested for allegedly Inducing Minors for Sex (113 replies)
  95. Damn, Nancy Reagan got around lolol (127 replies)
  96. TikToker said he wrote code to flood Kellogg with bogus job applications (13 replies)
  97. Georgia Republicans purge Black Democrats from county election boards (30 replies)
  98. Is anyone interesting... (57 replies)
  99. "every public action by this company is designed give the impression that it is a joke" (1 replies)
  100. "no real oversight, and no real subpoenas" (0 replies)
  101. New York billionaire Michael Steinhardt surrenders $70 million of stolen ancient art (0 replies)
  102. Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids (108 replies)
  103. Giant Study Finds Viagra Is Linked To Almost 70% Lower Risk of Alzheimer's (14 replies)
  104. God for a day...what do you do with humanity? (33 replies)
  105. this is what illhan omar is turning Minnesota into......3rd world ish...gang of somali muslims jump innocent children & mother (2 replies)
  106. Henry Gee: Humans are doomed to go extinct (28 replies)
  107. Ukraine (40495 replies)
  108. Adolf Hitler with a tan: Kagala Harris blasted by ex staff as "soul destroying" "bully" (93 replies)
  109. Cnn fires Chris (52 replies)
  110. No Escape Plan: Houston Chronicle deep dive on the crowd crush at the Astroworld Festival (7 replies)
  111. RIP Cornpop (6 replies)
  112. Plumber finds cash, checks behind loose toilet in wall at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church (3 replies)
  113. Tucker Carlson got Hunter Biden to write his son a recommendation letter to Georgetown? (7 replies)
  114. Hertz and Walmart like to frame up their customers to shake them down for extra cash (13 replies)
  115. Republicans want to put women who have miscarriages in jail. (86 replies)
  116. Dr. Ottoman Trump? (3 replies)
  117. What Does a Glenn Youngkin Administration Actually Mean for Virginia and Virginians? (0 replies)
  118. ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (227 replies)
  119. -1- (292 replies)
  120. Migrant trafficking in Georgia: 21st century slavery (8 replies)
  121. america is looking like brazil under democratic rule.....AAS have been emboldened (9 replies)
  122. LRB: Air pollution estimated to kill 10 million people annually (15 replies)
  123. More crazy castle doctrine bull (55 replies)
  124. Walmart Pulls Children's Toy That Swears and Sings in Polish About Doing Cocaine (2 replies)
  125. New Jersey man pleads guilty to $400K GoFundMe scam involving homeless veteran (11 replies)
  126. Charges dropped against Missouri cop who shot Black woman after victim opts for ‘restorative justice mediation’ (5 replies)
  127. white supremacists must pay $26M for destroying Charlottesville during riots (3 replies)
  128. Samsung to open $17B chip plant in Taylor, TX (73 replies)
  129. White Friday Deals (1 replies)
  130. Is Darrell Brooks A Black Supremacist? (4 replies)
  131. Bill Maher nails it... (11 replies)
  132. SUV drives through US Christmas Parade, leaving multiple dead, more than 20 injured as witnesses describe 'horrifying' incident (299 replies)
  133. “ I support the BLM movement.” - Kyle Rittenhouse (118 replies)
  134. U.S Covid Deaths This Uear Surpass 2020 (24 replies)
  135. Chicago (190 replies)
  136. aas commiting racial hate crimes thread (29 replies)
  137. Rosenbaum an Huber are doing GREAT thread (130 replies)
  138. Ahmaud Arbery Trial (108 replies)
  139. BREAKING NEWS| Thug Shaman sentenced to 41 months for role in insurrection (63 replies)
  140. Karrin puts a $500 bounty on teachers who teach CRT (15 replies)
  141. When All The Media Narratives Collapse (145 replies)
  142. Ted Cruz picks a fight with a muppet and loses :lol (25 replies)
  143. Want to improve jail conditions? Lock up right wing thugs (10 replies)
  144. Subsidizing stupidity: the unvaccinated force their costs on everybody else in the hospital (7 replies)
  145. DOJ indicts Steve Bannon (103 replies)
  146. anyone here gonna take the vax detox bath? (8 replies)
  147. Godmode Reached: Communist Party of China declares Xi Jinping is on same status as Mao Zedong and absolute ruler of China (18 replies)
  148. Liberal hypocrisy fueling inequality (65 replies)
  149. Rep. Paul Gosar Bizarrely Defends Anime Video Attacking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (49 replies)
  150. DOJ files charges against scam PAC that preyed on MAGABoomers (3 replies)
  151. Drain the Swamp! (2 replies)
  152. The Boeing scandal at Kelly (6 replies)
  153. University of Austin thread (25 replies)
  154. Marjorie Taylor Greene points to 'common ground' between GOP, Nation of Islam (16 replies)
  155. DeSantis / Youngkin 2024 (676 replies)
  156. Dear @ChumpDumper , (43 replies)
  157. Metaverse question (45 replies)
  158. civiqs poll (3 replies)
  159. Dang, Corvettes a lot safer than I thought... (218 replies)
  160. ghetto monkey shoots 5 innocent women after he attacked innocent women @trillclinton will defend him (12 replies)
  161. NickCageYouDontSay.gif: FBI arrests source for Steele Dossier for providing false information (50 replies)
  162. Brandon goes off script again... (56 replies)
  163. ***** Official 2021 Election Night Thread ***** (160 replies)
  164. a real snoozer (9 replies)
  165. Setting synagogies on fire, level achieved, central Texas edition. (26 replies)
  166. Will Stitt execute an innocent man? (0 replies)
  167. What Will Drive China to War? (40 replies)
  168. Did Biden really poop his pants with the Pope? (74 replies)
  169. african american gangs have shootout on ut campus (24 replies)
  170. BREAKING: Two US officials tell @HumanEvents that the ISIS threat alert in Northern VA / DC region is related to Afghan refugees (28 replies)
  171. Virginia Dems Pose As White Nationalists to Smear Glenn Youngkin (58 replies)
  172. A QAnon influencer who accused Democrats of being pedophiles turned out to be a convicted child molester (13 replies)
  173. https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-real-estate-empire-pays-100720559.html (2 replies)
  174. All the Fast Food You Love Contains Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals (6 replies)
  175. Chickenized reverse-centaurs (2 replies)
  176. H5N6 is one mutation away from killing millions. Deathrate is 50%+ regardless of age group (35 replies)
  177. How do you know you don't like dick if you haven't tried it? (104 replies)
  178. Steven Donziger (6 replies)
  179. This Guy (22 replies)
  180. Tax on unrealized gains (52 replies)
  181. Hiring Manager are mad they're getting ghosted by new hires (5 replies)
  182. "How many elections are they gonna steal before we kill these people?" (59 replies)
  183. VA gov. Race: Democrat McAuliffe doing everything to lose a once easy election (559 replies)
  184. Nasrallah’s fatal miscalculations spell doom for Lebanon — and Hezbollah (5 replies)
  185. Biden's early-presidency getaways so far outpace Trump's (6 replies)
  186. Let’s Go Brandon Let’s Go! (41 replies)
  187. 35 stacks High Society-aka-355,000 dead Americans as MF Biden loses 55k in 30 days!!! (65 replies)
  188. Exposed: ‘Sleeper cell’ of evangelical Christians posing as Orthodox rabbis (0 replies)
  189. California Math teacher goes into a racist performance in front of students| GRAPHIC (7 replies)
  190. Americans Don't Know Just How Capitalist China Is – And Just How Socialist the U.S.A. is. (0 replies)
  191. Gas prices in Gordon California (375 replies)
  192. How ‘Diversity’ Turned Tyrannical (32 replies)
  193. Leftist Netflix employees protest comedy (101 replies)
  194. Bill Clintonomics (25 replies)
  195. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has tested positive for COVID-19, DHS confirmed on Tuesday – just days after he attended an event with President Biden. (14 replies)
  196. Fed Chair Jerome Powell Sold Over $1 Million in Stocks Right Before Crash (25 replies)
  197. The left hates America (177 replies)
  198. "We have no idea how they did it" china secretly flies hypersonic nuke around planet then leak news (38 replies)
  199. Reality check: raising minimum wage doesn't destroy jobs (2 replies)
  200. Official COVID-19 "vaccine" is a BigPharma hoax conspiracy thread (3 replies)
  201. Official Fauci planned and cooked up COVID-19 years ago conspiracy thread (33 replies)
  202. “Doing What an Angry 3-Year-Old Would Do” Is the Only Remaining Republican Principle (9 replies)
  203. Texas Republicans now want Holocaust denial taught in classrooms. (61 replies)
  204. Shocking study says chemicals found in shampoo, makeup may kill 100k Americans prematurely each year (1 replies)
  205. Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of US Empire, 3rd Ed. (23 replies)
  206. Jan 6th Commission: subpoenas sent, US Marshals to round up recalcitract witnesses (55 replies)
  207. Pro-trump candidate suggests talking all the boats out of the water to lower sea levels (1 replies)
  208. Failed business loser sells money losing hotel named after a total loser (29 replies)
  209. DeSantis unemployment bonus phaseout boosted Florida economy, study claims (8 replies)
  210. This forum is garbage (566 replies)
  211. a good read (17 replies)
  212. LOL Faux News (16 replies)
  213. Enbridge is paying Minnesota cops to surveil and police protesters (7 replies)
  215. US Capitol Police whistleblower alleges leadership failures on January 6 (3 replies)
  216. Long COVID thread (9 replies)
  217. COVID-related: insurers stiffing hospitals (55 replies)
  218. The Strange, Sudden Silence of Conservative Abortion Foes (7 replies)
  219. New Election Law Proposal: All Mail-In and Early Ballots Must Be Counted And Reported By 11:59pm Monday before Election Tuesday (5 replies)
  220. Flying Microchips the size of a sand grain (15 replies)
  221. Neuroimaging research suggests that even mild cases of COVID-19 leave a lasting mark on the brain (56 replies)
  222. 18 former NBA players arrested by federal authorities in alleged health care scam (11 replies)
  223. A global energy crisis is coming. There's no quick fix (198 replies)
  224. AT&T Spent Over $57 Million To Finance Fascistic OAN Cable Network (32 replies)
  225. School shooting in Arlington (337 replies)
  226. RIP Dale (1 replies)
  227. NYPD Sergeants' Union raided by FBI (14 replies)
  228. lol Gov Douchey (0 replies)
  229. Capitol police respond to 'suspicious vehicle' outside the U.S. Supreme Court, officials say (22 replies)
  230. Republican PAC fleecing the rubes, part 9: the grift goes on (1 replies)
  231. Black ex-Tesla worker cashes $137 million lotto win for racial abuse (3 replies)
  232. Liberal Darling Andrew Yang publicly quits the Democratic Party (86 replies)
  233. Jihadists flood pro-Trump social network with propaganda (47 replies)
  234. Connecticut men allegedly allowed customers to redeem food stamps for cash, male enhancement pills (5 replies)
  235. Texas man, 24, admits shooting at Minneapolis police station during riot (1 replies)
  236. COVID SCIENCE-Delta increases COVID-19 risks for pregnant women; Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine antibodies gone by 7 months for manyP (5 replies)
  237. A Deaf Man Who Couldn't Hear Police Commands Was Tased And Spent 4 Months In Jail (1 replies)
  238. derp banned? (188 replies)
  239. Florida high school students want officer fired after body-slamming teen (14 replies)
  240. COVID - restless anal syndrome (8 replies)
  241. LOL Nigell Farage complains about UK fuel shortage after for years claiming Brexitfear mongering of shortages was rubbish and fear mongering (3 replies)
  242. Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform (8 replies)
  243. The Official Australia Is Doing Tyranny Thread (0 replies)
  244. WSJ: 130 Judges broke the law by failing to recuse (1 replies)
  245. Obama says open borders are 'unsustainable' and calls for immigration reform (0 replies)
  246. Long COVID: multiorgan impairment is common (11 replies)
  247. Trump’s Plans for a Coup Are Now Public (67 replies)
  248. If you are in BigFinance, you are corrupt (4 replies)
  249. China faces energy shortages (15 replies)
  250. Sabotage or terrorism? (0 replies)